Cultural Interview

timer Asked: Jun 18th, 2018

Question Description

Cultural Interview Paper

Interview someone who is of a culture other than your own. This is an assignment in which you are encouraged to stretch or go out of your comfort zone. Please do not put yourself in any unsafe circumstance. Also, keep in mind that culture can be defined much more broadly that race or ethnicity. You might consider interviewing someone who is of a faith/religion far different than your own or your upbringing. You might consider talking with someone from a completely different socio-economic status of your own. If you have minimal experience with the LGBTQ community, you might also consider talking to someone who is gay, lesbian or transgendered. This assignment was developed for you to create an opportunity for personal and professional growth.

Address the following topics during the interview (make sure the applicability of the question to your interviewee):

  • How the person defined his/her own culture.
  • How the person’s culture has affected his/her life.
  • How privilege, oppression or discrimination has impacted their life (historic and/or current)
  • How would they describe areas of interpersonal communication in their culture (e.g., cultural norms, verbal and non-verbal communication [i.e. this might include showing a sign of respect or disrespect]).

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SWK 501 Cultural Interview Paper Interview someone who is of a culture other than your own. This is an assignment in which you are encouraged to stretch or go out of your comfort zone. Please do not put yourself in any unsafe circumstance. Also, keep in mind that culture can be defined much more broadly that race or ethnicity. You might consider interviewing someone who is of a faith/religion far different than your own or your upbringing. You might consider talking with someone from a completely different socio-economic status of your own. If you have minimal experience with the LGBTQ community, you might also consider talking to someone who is gay, lesbian or transgendered. This assignment was developed for you to create an opportunity for personal and professional growth. Address the following topics during the interview (make sure the applicability of the question to your interviewee): a. b. c. d. How the person defined his/her own culture. How the person’s culture has affected his/her life. How privilege, oppression or discrimination has impacted their life (historic and/or current) How would they describe areas of interpersonal communication in their culture (e.g., cultural norms, verbal and non-verbal communication [i.e. this might include showing a sign of respect or disrespect]). Steps for the interview 1. Narrow down the cultural group (different cultural background than you) — Identify whom you will interview. 2. Explain the overall purpose of the interview (class assignment, learning about various culture, cultural experiences). Clarify with them approximately how long they have to meet with you (this will depend on their availability and what might be culturally appropriate). 3. Explain confidentiality (Their identity will remain confidential. You will be using a pseudonym in your written work. Any identifiable data about the interviewee must be held in complete confidence). 4. Schedule the interview at a mutually agreed location and time/date. 1 Preparation for Interview • • • • • • • Make sure you are clear about what questions to ask in advance. Consider creating an interview guide and practicing beforehand. Use open and clarification questions during the interview. Please do not record the person you are interviewing. Before beginning the interview: o Consider sharing/discussing your interview questions with them before the interview so that they have an idea of what you will be asking them. o Inform the interviewee that they may choose at any time not to answer questions with which they may uncomfortable or do not fit for them. o Ask them if you may take a few notes during the dialog. o Remember not to use your interview guide or your note taking in a way that interferes with your dialogue. You may want to expand your questions based on their answers during the dialogue. And, above all, remember that this is a conversation with a purpose, and not meant to create discomfort with the person with whom you will be speaking. Think ahead of time about how you can work on having a natural and comfortable style with them. At the end of your interview, remember to conclude the interview by thanking them for their participation. Following the Interview • After the interview, find a quiet place where you can write notes and reflect on your interview so that you will not forget the details of the interview). Include in your notes your own thoughts, reactions and feelings. Organization of the Paper [Create the headings/subheadings] Summary of the interview Describe the main points corresponding to the interview topics (listed above) from your interview. In your summary, include your own impressions and observations of the interview. Reflection of the interview 1. Describe what you learned from the interview and provide a thoughtful reflection about own thoughts, reactions and feelings to the interview. 2 Make sure to include any surprises or additional learning that came up for you and what you found to be similar or different than your own cultural norms, views and experiences. 2. Reflecting back on the interview, would you have done anything differently? Format: 4-5 page, double spaced essay. Please submit this essay in canvas via the assignment tab. APA Formatting Grading Criteria 40% Paper included the summary of interview thoroughly addressing the interview questions presented in the assignment [Summary of the interview]. Paper included a thoughtful reflection on the questions presented in the 50% instructions [Reflection of the interview] 10% Paper was 4-5 pages long, free from typos and grammatical errors. The flow of the paper was logical. Follow correct APA. Total: 100 points 3
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