I would like it by Friday it needs to be at least 300.

timer Asked: Jun 19th, 2018

Question Description

  • For this week's discussion it will be helpful for you to read and review Chapter 7 pages 152-177. Take a look at the section entitled "Famous Personalities" on pages 230 and 231. This is a good summary of Bandura's idea of "self-efficacy." What do you think about Bandura's idea that our self-efficacy develops from "four kinds of experiences" (172)? Do you agree or disagree?
    In your post this week, share some tasks that you have learned from your parents or guardians through observational or vicarious learning. (Some examples to get you thinking might include driving, shaving, cooking, or playing tennis.) Are there any negative behaviors you may have also learned that you would have preferred not to have learned, such as swearing, fighting, or smoking? Be sure to watch this week's movie moment. What do you think? Is it overdone? Is it accurate?

    If children indeed learn both negative and positive behaviors from parents and guardians, what implications does this have for adults' responsibility to modify their own behaviors? What impact does this have on you currently if any?
    *Remember to back your opinions by citing good resources. You might notice that you do not have an additional assignment for this week so be sure to do your best with this discussion and answer thoroughly.

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