What are you going to do?

timer Asked: Jun 20th, 2018

Question Description

Off The Clock

You were recently promoted to a managerial position at an industrial engineering company. With your new position, you are now responsible for overseeing the company’s production factory, meaning approximately 50 factory workers now report to you. Although you previously worked as an engineer and do not have any experience running a factory, you’re excited to begin in the new position.

At the end of your first day, you’re confused to see your factory workers continuing to work well past the end of their 8-hour shift. You then go to the factory supervisor (who reports to you) to express concern because the factory does not have the budget to pay so many workers overtime. The supervisor smiles at you and explains that the factory meets production goals by making the factory workers work off the clock. The workers are well aware of this expectation and went along with it in order to keep their jobs. You’re shocked to learn this illegal practice had become part of the company culture, but the supervisor explains that the company’s CEO (who is your boss) is well aware of this expectation.

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