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1.Design a bell mouth canal Intake for a City of 1,00,000 persons drawing water from a canal which runs for 10 hrs.. a day with a depth of 2 m. Also calculate the head loss in the intake conduit if the treatment works are 1 km away. Draw a neat sketch of canal Intake. Assume average consumption per person= 150 l/day. Assume the velocity through the screens and bell mouth to be less than 15 cm/sec and 35 cm/sec.

2.Find out the head loss due to friction in a rising main from the following data:

• Length of the rising main= 600 m

• Diameter of pipe= 0.2 m

• Discharge required to be pumped = 1200 l/min

• Friction factors= 0.025

3.A city with 150,000 population is to be supplied water at 100 lpcd from a river 1 km away. The difference in water level of sump and reservoir is 30 m. if the demand has to be supplied in 8 hr., determine the size of the main and B.H.P of the pumps required. • Take f- 0.0075, velocity in the pipe as 2.0 m/sec and efficiency of pump as 75 %

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