Java coding

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For this assignment, make sure you handle invalid input, including type mismatch - input validation is a requirement! Focus on good design, good style, and, most importantly, reuse of code.

Question 1 [40pts]. A complex ("imaginary") number has the form a + bi, where a is called the real part, b is called the imaginary part, and i = sqrt(-1). A complex number a + bi can be expressed as the ordered pair of real numbers (a, b).

Arithmetic operations on two complex numbers (a, b) and (c, d) are as follows:

Addition:(a, b) + (c, d) = (a + c, b + d)

Subtraction:(a, b) - (c, d) = (a - c, b - d)

Multiplication: (a, b) * (c, d) = (a * c - b * d, a * d + b * c)

Division:(a, b) / (c, d) = ((a * c + b * d)/(c2 + d2), (b * c - a * d)/(c2 + d2))

Absolute value: |(a, b)| = sqrt(a2 + b2)

Design and implement a ComplexNumber class that represents the real and imaginary parts as double values and provides at least the following methods:

Constructors for default and explicit initialization.

•A method to read a complex number. Look at the sample output screen for the design required.

•A method to print a complex number as (a, b). Have 2 decimals for both.

•A method called getReal that returns the real part of a complex number.

•A method called getImaginary that returns the imaginary part of a complex number.

•Methods equal, copy, getCopy, toString.

•Arithmetic methods to add, subtract, multiply, and divide two complex numbers.

•A method called cAbs to implement the absolute value of a complex number.

To test your class write a client that has at least a function menu() with options for the methods implemented and an option to exit. Your program should loop until the user chooses to exit. In this loop you are required to use a switch statement for all possible cases (similar design as the one used for Problem#1 in Assignment#1).


Your options for Complex arithmetic are:


1)Add 2 complex numbers

2)Subtract 2 complex numbers

3)Multiply 2 complex numbers

4)Divide 2 complex numbers

5)Absolute value of a complex number

6)Compare 2 complex numbers


Please enter your option: 2

Enter complex number (real imaginary): 3.4 5.6

Enter complex number (real imaginary): 1.23 2.56

First complex number is: (3.40, 5.60)

Second complex number is: (1.23, 2.56)

Result: (3.40, 5.60) - (1.23, 2.56) = (2.17, 3.04)Command number 1 completed.

Your options for Complex arithmetic are:


1)Add 2 complex numbers

2)Subtract 2 complex numbers

3)Multiply 2 complex numbers

4)Divide 2 complex numbers

5)Absolute value of a complex number

6)Compare 2 complex numbers


Please enter your option: 4

Enter complex number (real imaginary): 11.2 22.1

Enter complex number (real imaginary): 1.45 3.56

First complex number is: (11.20, 22.10)

Second complex number is: (1.45, 3.56)

Result: (11.20, 22.10) / (1.45, 3.56) = (6.42, -0.53)Command number 2 completed.

Your options for Complex arithmetic are:


1)Add 2 complex numbers

2)Subtract 2 complex numbers

3)Multiply 2 complex numbers

4)Divide 2 complex numbers

5)Absolute value of a complex number

6)Compare 2 complex numbers


Please enter your option: 2

Enter complex number (real imaginary): 1.78 4.5

Enter complex number (real imaginary): 3.56 8.9

First complex number is: (1.78, 4.50)

Second complex number is: (3.56, 8.90)

Result: (1.78, 4.50) - (3.56, 8.90) = (-1.78, -4.40)Command number 3 completed.

Your options for Complex arithmetic are:


1)Add 2 complex numbers

2)Subtract 2 complex numbers

3)Multiply 2 complex numbers

4)Divide 2 complex numbers

5)Absolute value of a complex number

6)Compare 2 complex numbers


Please enter your option: 3

Enter complex number (real imaginary): 2.22 3.33

Enter complex number (real imaginary): 1.24 2.45

First complex number is: (2.22, 3.33)

Second complex number is: (1.24, 2.45)Result: (2.22, 3.33) * (1.24, 2.45) = (-5.41, 9.57)Command number 4 completed.

Your options for Complex arithmetic are:


1)Add 2 complex numbers

2)Subtract 2 complex numbers

3)Multiply 2 complex numbers

4)Divide 2 complex numbers

5)Absolute value of a complex number

6)Compare 2 complex numbers


Please enter your option: 6

Enter complex number (real imaginary): 1.11 2.22

Enter complex number (real imaginary): 1.11 2.22

First complex number is: (1.11, 2.22)Second complex number is: (1.11, 2.22)The complex numbers are equal.

Command number 5 completed.

Your options for Complex arithmetic are:


1)Add 2 complex numbers

2)Subtract 2 complex numbers

3)Multiply 2 complex numbers

4)Divide 2 complex numbers

5)Absolute value of a complex number

6)Compare 2 complex numbers


Please enter your option: 6

Enter complex number (real imaginary): 1.2 2.3

Enter complex number (real imaginary): 11.2 2.3

First complex number is: (1.20, 2.30)Second complex number is: (11.20, 2.30)The complex numbers are NOT equal.

Command number 6 completed.

Your options for Complex arithmetic are:


1)Add 2 complex numbers

2)Subtract 2 complex numbers

3)Multiply 2 complex numbers

4)Divide 2 complex numbers

5)Absolute value of a complex number

6)Compare 2 complex numbers


Please enter your option: 5

Enter complex number (real imaginary): 11.1 22.2

The complex number is: (11.10, 22.20)Result: |(11.1, 22.2)| = 24.82Command number 7 completed.

Your options for Complex arithmetic are:


1)Add 2 complex numbers

2)Subtract 2 complex numbers

3)Multiply 2 complex numbers

4)Divide 2 complex numbers

5)Absolute value of a complex number

6)Compare 2 complex numbers


Please enter your option: 0Testing completed.

Question 2 [30pts]. (Unsorted list: array implementation) The unsorted list

ADT discussed in class (file “Lecture_Array_Based_Lists.pdf”) should be extended by the addition of two new methods:

1.A method named merge that concatenates 2 unordered lists into a third. Assume that list_1 and list_2 don't have any keys in common. The resulting list should be an unsorted list that contains all of the items from list_1 and list_2 (preserve the order).

2.A method named split that divides a list into 2 lists according to a key. If list_1 and list_2 are the resulting lists, list_1 should contain all the items of the original list whose keys are less than or equal to the key passed and list_2 should contain all the items of the original list whose keys are larger than the key passed.

Next, create a client to test your program. The client should work with 3 sorted lists named list_1, list_2 and result. Read the data for list_1 and list_2 from the files list1.txt and list2.txt (take input from user the names of the input files, handle the FileNotFoundException exception (try/catch) and consume unwanted input.) Merge list_1 and list_2 into result and split result according to a key (input from the user). Make sure you handle all possible errors.


Please input the name of the file to be opened for first list: list1.txtPlease input the name of the file to be opened for second list: list2.txtThe first list is:

13253467561020272514559The second list is:

732914877210020012722 151914515978The merged list is:



Enter key for split: 49

The first list after split is:

1325341020272514529 14221519The second list after split is:

67565973877210020012714515978FOR input files:

list1.txt: 13 c v b 25 34 x x 67 56 10 a a 20 27 2 a s 5 1 45 59list2.txt: 73 29 c c c 14 87 72 100 200 c c c 127 22 15 19 c v v v 145 159 78

Question 3 [30pts]. (Sorted list: array implementation) Same problem for this sorted list ADT discussed in class.

NOTE: The merge method for the sorted list shouldn’t look like the same method in the unsorted list. You should merge the two lists in one traversal (do not make repeated calls to insert – very inefficient!). You will not get credit for the same method in both classes.


Please input the name of the file to be opened for first list: list1.txtPlease input the name of the file to be opened for second list: list2.txtThe first list is:

2581114293343455155657075The second list is:

147910153549575967The merged list is:

124578910111415293335434549515557596567707 5

Enter key for split: 13

The first list after split is:


The second list after split is:

14 152933354345495155575965677075FOR input files:list1.txt: 2 5 8 m m b 11 14 29 x 33 43 45 51 z z 55 65 70 b 75list2.txt: 1 ccc 4 bb 7 mm 9 10 15 35 x x x 49 57 59 67

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Explanation & Answer


Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.


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