Help with Research

timer Asked: Sep 9th, 2013

Question Description

This is a stage research paper like the other one.  Will you be able to help me with this one.  This one was assign to someone else and I have ran into the same problem.  Not getting the information on time.  Please let me know if you can help! Below is what have been completed this far and what is coming up due starting this Sunday Sept 15, 2013.

Week 1 title page and topic rationale (already completed)

Crisis Counseling rationale.docx

Week 2 Abstract and Annotated Bibliography (due Sunday Sept 15)

Abstract and Annotated Bibliography Instructions.docx

509 Title_Page_and_Topic_Rationale_Rubric.docx

Week 3

Case Study (due Sunday Sep 29)

Case Study Instructions for 509.docx

509 Case Study Grading Rubric.docx

Week 4

Final Paper (Due Sunday Oct 13)

509 Final Paper Instructions-1.docx

509 FP rubric.docx

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