Comprehensive Portfolio utilizes the assignments you previously finished during class.

timer Asked: Jun 29th, 2018

Question Description

Your Comprehensive Portfolio utilizes the assignments you previously finished during class. It is due no later than 11:59pm on February 17th and should contain the below information.

  • Table of Contents
  • Defining Moment (Week One)
  • Promise in Being (Week One)
  • Vision and Mission Statements (Week Two)
  • Three Value Statements (Week Three)
  • Marketing Plan (Week Four)
    • Name, Location, Brand (branding is optional, if you have created a logo or slogan for your practice, please include it. If not, just list the potential name of your business and the city / state where you would like to first open your practice)
    • Market Research Strategy
      • Cost
      • Time
      • Target
      • Perceived Effectiveness
      • Extra Benefits
  • Three Elevator Speeches (Week Four)
  • Ethics and Oath of Medicine (Week Five)
  • Self-Reflection - Strengths and Weakness as they apply to Creating and Marketing Your Acupuncture Practice
  • Bibliography / Works Cited

Your finished portfolio should demonstrate that you have considered faculty feedback on your previous assignments and incorporated changes to those assignments if necessary. It is expected that your finished portfolio will have a professional appearance to it. This means taking time to format each item so that it has a consistent look, proof reading the entire portfolio for grammar and spelling errors, and proper use of APA citation where required.

A sample portfolio may be found here as an example

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