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Course Name: Eleventh Grade English 2: Modern American Literature Student: Lucas Gaspar Moreira Viegas Course ID: ENGH040060 ID: B99371474 Submittal: 59 Progress Test 3 Although the progress test is similar in style to the unit evaluations, the progress test is a closed-book, proctored test. You may not have access to notes or any of the course materials while you are taking the test. It is important that you do your own work. Select the response that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. True or False: The beginning of “Antojos” is set on a country road in the Dominican Republic. a. b. ____ 2. True or False: “Everything Stuck to Him” is typical of a minimalist story because of its elaborate details. a. b. ____ 3. The whole community will suffer damnation for the injustices being committed. Danforth will suffer damnation if he condemns Proctor to death. Witches will suffer damnation for their sins. Who is the author of the quote “Suddenly, the countryside was so very quiet. She looked up at the purple sky. A breeze was blowing through the grove, rustling the leaves, so they whispered like voices, something indistinct”? a. b. c. ____ 7. broken bowl. drifting boat. nasty cold. In Act III of The Crucible, Proctor tells Danforth, “God damns our kind especially, and we will burn, we will burn together.” What does he mean by this? a. b. c. ____ 6. Words originated in nonsense speech. Words imitated imaginary noises Words took shape in imitation of natural sounds. Anna Quindlen’s essay, “One Day, Broken in Two” compares America after 9/11 to a a. b. c. ____ 5. True False The bow-bow theory, explained by Safire in “Onomatopoeia,” can best be summarized in which of these statements? a. b. c. ____ 4. True False Julia Alvarez [“Antojos”] Amy Tan [“Mother Tongue”] William Safford [“Traveling Through the Dark”] Based on Reverend Parris’s reactions in Act I of The Crucible, his anxiety about his daughter seems to come from his a. b. c. great love for his only child fear for the fate of his daughter’s soul concern about his own reputation ____ 8. Who is the author of the quote “Finally, we located the Colonel. After thanking me again, he presented me with the coin of the regiment. ‘We only give these to someone who’s done something special for the 69th,’ he informed me. He called over the division’s historian to tell me the significance of all the symbols on the coin”? a. b. c. ____ 9. William Stafford [“Travelling Through the Dark”] William Harvey [“Playing for the Fighting Sixty-Ninth”] Arthur Miller [The Crucible] True or False: One definition of “crucible” is a test, specifically of one’s character. The test that Reverend Parris faces in The Crucible is whether he will sacrifice his life to protect others. a. b. True False ____ 10. True or False: One definition of “crucible” is a test, specifically of one’s character. The test that Reverend Parris faces in The Crucible is whether or not he would remain true to the Christian ideals he professes. a. b. True False ____ 11. True or False: The main purpose of the author in “Antojos” was to examine the way love is expressed in families. a. b. True False ____ 12. True or False: Julia Alvarez is the author of the quote “I am a writer. And by that definition, I am someone who has always loved language. I am fascinated by language in daily life. I spend a great deal of my time thinking about the power of language--the way it can evoke an emotion, a visual image, a complex idea, or a simple truth.” a. b. True False ____ 13. True or False: One definition of “crucible” is a test, specifically of one’s character. The test that John Proctor faces in The Crucible is whether he will commit to one side or the other in the controversy. a. b. True False ____ 14. At the end of “Urban Renewal,” the author says “thank you.” To whom is he speaking? a. b. c. Senator Hillary Clinton New York’s sanitation workers Mayor Rudy Giuliani ____ 15. True or False: People are motivated to confess to practicing witchcraft in The Crucible because they will receive lesser punishments if they confess than if tried and found guilty. a. b. True False ____ 16. True or False: In “Onomatopoeia,” the phrase “slammed the vocabulary right in the kisser” is a hyperbole. a. b. True False ____ 17. True or False: The author’s purpose in “The Gift” was to demonstrate the importance of dialect in language. a. b. True False ____ 18. True or False: The author’s purpose in “Playing for the Fighting Sixty-Ninth” was to demonstrate the changing nature of the English language. a. b. True False ____ 19. True or False: The author’s purpose in “Mother Tongue” was to demonstrate the importance of dialect in language. a. b. True False ____ 20. True or False: One definition of “crucible” is a test, specifically of one’s character. The test that Cheever faces in The Crucible is whether he will be an impartial observer of the law. a. b. True False ____ 21. In The Crucible, Act I, what reason drives Mrs. Putnam to hunt for witches? a. b. c. anger at Reverend Parris curiosity about the woods the deaths of her children ____ 22. True or False: In “Everything Stuck to Him” the young woman asks the narrator for stories of her childhood because she wants to learn more about her parents. a. b. True False ____ 23. True or False: A theme of “The Gift” is that splinters are small things that create big problems. a. b. True False ____ 24. True or False: The following lines from “Haley’s Comet” are an example of enjambed lines: “Miss Murphy in first grade / wrote its name in chalk / across the board and told us / it was roaring down the stormtracks / of the Milky Way at frightful speed / and if it wandered off its course / and smashed into the earth . . .” a. b. True False ____ 25. Which of the following expresses a theme in “The Secret”? a. b. c. A poem can have many different meanings to different people. It is easy to forget lines of poetry. A poet remembers every detail in every poem she writes. ____ 26. True or False: In “The Gift” the lines “I can’t remember the tale, / but hear his voice still, a well / of dark water, a prayer” show a lilting, musical quality, typical of lyric poems. a. b. True False ____ 27. Determine the meaning of the following quotation from “Playing for the Fighting Sixty-Ninth:” “Let’s just say that, next time I want to get into a petty argument about whether Richter or Horowitz was better, I’ll remember that when I asked the Colonel to describe the pit formed by the tumbling of the Towers, he couldn’t.” a. b. c. The narrator is angry and resentful. The narrator realizes people communicate without words. People can never really communicate with each other. ____ 28. True or False: William Stafford is the author of the quote, “While I speak God’s law, I will not crack its voice with whimpering. If retaliation is your fear, know this--I should hang ten thousand that dared to rise against the law, and an ocean of salt tears could not melt the resolution of the statutes.” a. b. True False ____ 29. True or False: “Playing for the Fighting Sixty-Ninth” is a dramatic poem. a. b. True False ____ 30. At the opening of Act I of The Crucible, why is Reverend Parris troubled? a. b. c. his daughter’s illness and her behavior rumors of witchcraft circulating in the community Abigail’s dismissal from the Proctor household ____ 31. The plot in “Antojos” begins in the middle of what action? a. b. c. Yolanda walking down the road Yolanda driving her car Yolanda greeting her family ____ 32. The most inspiring thought from “Urban Renewal” is that a. b. c. people support each other in difficult times and times of loss. ultimately, each person must look out for his or her own interests. people have determined to rebuild the Twin Towers taller than they had been. ____ 33. What is the poet’s implied feeling about manual labor in “Who Burns for the Perfection of Paper,” by Martin Espada. a. b. c. The best results occur when everyone works together. The work of laborers supports the work of others. People who work with their hands do not work hard. ____ 34. In Act IV of The Crucible, Proctor’s determination to preserve his good name suggests that a. b. c. fear of persecution causes people to keep silent about injustice. laws were passed to prevent this kind of persecution. reputations can be ruined by irresponsible accusations. ____ 35. Which of the following is the most serious example of injustice in The Crucible? a. b. c. Courts as we know them today did not exist at the time of the play’s events. People aren’t allowed to practice their religious beliefs. People are expected to confess before guilt is proven. ____ 36. True or False: Danforth’s behavior in Act IV of The Crucible conveys the message that those in power tend to act in the interest of preserving power. a. b. True False ____ 37. True or False: The line group “to save every one of us, / even the little children.” from “Halley’s Comet” is end-stopped, rather than enjambed. a. b. True False ____ 38. Who is the author of the quote “The car aimed ahead its lowered parking lights; / under the hood purred the steady engine. / I stood in the glare of the warm exhaust turning red; / around our group I could hear the wilderness listen”? a. b. c. William Stafford [“Traveling Through the Dark”] William Harvey [“Playing for the Fighting Sixty-Ninth”] Amy Tan [“Mother Tongue”] ____ 39. The setting of Act IV of The Crucible is a. b. c. Parris’s house, where the investigation began. the Salem jail, the autumn after the trial. the Proctors’ house during the witch hunt. ____ 40. True or False: The passage “ Abigail brings the other girls into the court, and where she walks the crowd will part like the sea for Israel” from The Crucible, Act I contains a Biblical allusion. a. b. True False ____ 41. True or False: In verbal irony there is a contrast between what a character says and what is really meant. a. b. True False ____ 42. True or False: Reverend Samuel Parris represents self-serving authority in The Crucible. a. b. True False ____ 43. The following passage is from Act III of The Crucible. Why is the phrase “out of her infinite charity” an example of verbal irony? “MARY WARREN, screaming at him: No, I love God; I go your way no more. I love God, I bless God. Sobbing, she rushes to ABIGAIL. Abby, Abby I’ll never hurt you more! They all watch, as ABIGAIL, out of her infinite charity, reaches out and draws the sobbing MARY to her, and then looks up to DANFORTH.” a. b. c. It presents a piece of information of which the audience is not aware. It emphasizes Abigail’s ability to be forgiving under stress. It contradicts the reader’s knowledge about Abigail’s true nature. ____ 44. As Proctor is lead off to execution in Act IV of The Crucible, Parris begs Elizabeth to go to her husband to a. b. c. try once more to persuade her husband to confess. comfort her husband in his final moments. show that she believes the death sentence is just. ____ 45. True or False: The following passage from The Crucible contains the dramatic element called plot. “The words ‘going up to Jesus’ are heard in the psalm, and Betty claps her ears suddenly and whines loudly.” a. b. True False ____ 46. True or False: Stanley Kunitz’s poem “Halley’s Comet” is an example of free verse because it has no regular meter or rhyme. a. b. True False ____ 47. The primary tragic hero of The Crucible is a. b. c. Reverend Parris Reverend Hale John Proctor ____ 48. True or False: The author’s purpose in “Onomatopoeia” was to demonstrate the changing nature of the English language. a. b. True False ____ 49. The following lines from Denise Levertov’s poem “The Secret” are typical of____________: “I who don’t know the / secret wrote / the line. They / told me / (through a third person) / they had found it / but not what it was” a. b. c. dramatic poetry traditional poetic style conversational style ____ 50. True or False: One definition of “crucible” is a test, specifically of one’s character. The test that Elizabeth Proctor faces in The Crucible is whether she will value truth over personal interest. a. b. True False Carefully review your answers on this progress test and make any corrections you feel are necessary. When you are satisfied that you have answered the questions to the best of your ability, transfer your answers to the online test submission page in the presence of your proctor. The University of Nebraska is an equal opportunity educator and employer. ©2018, The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska. All rights reserved.
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