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timer Asked: Jul 8th, 2018

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1. Any population will need to use resources. They will need shelter, food, and some source of energy. The large the population the more of each resource the population will need. Each population also creates waste. Again the larger the population the larger the amount of waste they create. The fact that the population needs resources affects the environment. If the population is large there could be a shortage of different resources. If the population is small there could be an abundance of resources. The larger the population the more space that they will take up also. This limits the area that can be used for other resources.

2. All the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and different components that make up the particles of living things have been reused again and again all through time. Plants take in carbon dioxide from the air, utilizing it to fabricate sugars through photosynthesis. Carbon travels through evolved ways of life as creatures eat different life forms, fusing the carbon-containing particles from their nourishment into the natural atoms that make up their own particular bodies. Carbon moves from living things back to the earth as a wide range of life forms utilize a portion of their sustenance atoms as a wellspring of vitality. To exchange vitality from their nourishment to their cells, living beings separate the sustenance particles into carbon dioxide and water during the time spent cell respiration.

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