i need a research paper

timer Asked: Jul 11th, 2018

Question Description

It should be 8 pages. Make sure you check plagiarism and it should include figures like pie charts and bar graphs.

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Kwantlen Polytechnic University GEOG 1101: Human Geography Summer 2018 Term Paper Marks = 50 THE TERM PAPER IS DUE BY THE END OF THE DAY ON 10 JULY 2018 Purpose The purpose of the assignment is to;  get you to become familiar with geographical concepts,  develop essay writing skills, and  develop research techniques for geographical analyses. A Comparative Geographical Analysis of Two Communities This is an individual and independent research to measure your understanding of the subject matter of this course. You must write a research essay on the comparative geography of two communities (sub areas) within a Metro Vancouver city of your choice. Your essay should answer which is the better of the two to settle in and raise a new family in the next 10 years. Your research essay should cover at least three elements from the following list to secure maximum marks:       Physical geography Population characteristics Social and cultural patterns Urban and settlement patterns Transportation and communication patterns Main economic sectors Elements of a research essay Research essays have several key elements. They include: 1. Research Topic – it must have at least a single objective to be investigated in a scientific manner 2. Data and datasets– these are the collected facts that allow examination to realize the objective, and can be primary (e.g. field collection), secondary or tertiary 3. Graphics – these include maps, charts and tables, and are important means of  summarizing the data, and  displaying patterns within datasets, both spatial and attribute 4. References - they provide evidence and support for your research (Please adopt and be consistent with any of the three common styles – APA, MLA or Chicago provided at KPU Library’s website http://www.kpu.ca/library/citationsplagiarism). 1 Kwantlen Polytechnic University GEOG 1101: Human Geography Summer 2018 Term Paper Structure of the Research Essay The research essay must be:  word processed, double spaced  8 or less pages in length (inclusive of figures and references)  saved as pdf (to upload to the course Moodle site) Use the following naming convention for your file: “Geog 1101 – Summer 2018 – S11 – Term Paper – “Lastname Firstname” An ideal research essay will consist of the following 1. Introduction - this section provides the reason for the research and defines its objectives 2. Method - this section describes how the research was conducted, and includes a discussion of the datasets and the methods used to analyze them 3. Results - this section details the findings of the analysis 4. Conclusion - this section assesses how well the objectives were met, and discusses the potential for future research All essays must include at least one map and one other graphics (charts, tables, etc.). These must be placed within the text of the essay, and not at the end as appendices. Time Management Managing your time effectively is a very valuable and necessary skill to succeed both academically and in the work force. The research essay needs to show evidence of well thought out inquiry. The main stages and the suggested time budget for this research essay are as follows:      Question formation and data search – weeks 1-2 Project outline – weeks 1-3 Data collection – weeks 2-5 Data analysis – weeks 2-6 Report writing – weeks 6-7 The course presentation provides details regarding the evaluation and academic conduct. THE TERM PAPER IS DUE BY THE END OF THE DAY ON 10 JULY 2018 2
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