Core Assessment essay Criminal justice

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Business Finance

Park University


An essay is a short work that treats a topic from an author's personal point of view, often taking into account subjective experiences and personal reflections upon them.

In one part of the paper, you must report and reflect on an interview with a professional; in another you must observe an agency in action and report and reflect on the observation (a case in a courtroom, probation and parole clients reporting to their officer, ride alone in a police car), and in the third you must watch a movie and relate its contents to the course. The order of the interview, observation, or movie doesn't matter. Thus, the first essay maybe a movie about law enforcement.

Each part of the paper should be two to three, computer-generated pages written in American Psychological Style (APA). You can learn about this style from the Park University web site. Late papers will not be accepted. Students should use six sources (the activity, your text, and four others) for each essay, and they should tie their topic to the text.

An essay is a well-structured (i.e., organized) presentation of your ideas about what you have read, observed, heard, and seen. It is presented in a way that is easy to follow and understand.

An essay can have many purposes, but the basic structure is the same no matter what. You may be writing an essay to argue for a particular point of view or to explain the steps necessary to complete a task. You may begin with a topic sentence such as:

  • The ride along with the ABC police was not as exciting as I expected after watching many police shows on television.
  • I observed in the DEF courtroom and was surprised to realize that 30 cases processed in an hour
  • The character? Red? played by Morgan Freeman in the movie Shaw shank Redemption was institutionalized by his long time in prison and this institutionalization related to the discussion in the text about the appropriateness of long prison sentences.

6 to 7 pages APA FORMAT, Due by saturday which is 55 hours from now

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