Why Does History Matter?

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Assignment 1: Why Does History Matter?

“What is History?—an unending dialogue between the present and the past.” (Carr, as quoted in Barton, 2011, p. 3)

Imagine this scenario:

You are a professor of early childhood teaching a course in Early Childhood Systems. Your students represent a range of professional backgrounds and career aspirations—many are new to this area of study, and all bring unique perspectives and diverse personal histories.

You have just completed today’s class session, which is one of your favorites. It included a multimedia presentation and a related discussion about the history of strands of services in early childhood education and significant factors that influenced that history.

As you are preparing to leave the classroom, a student approaches you and says, “I love the early childhood field and I’m in this program because I am looking forward to a career working for young children and their families. I am well aware that children’s earliest years are vital to their development, and I’m committed to advocating for them and their families. However, I’m confused. Our class today was all about the past, which doesn’t seem relevant to what I plan to do. Why do I need to know about history in order to understand early childhood systems, public policy, and advocacy?”

You not only want to support your student’s commitment to young children and families, but you also want to help her understand how history and contextual factors related to early childhood systems will contribute to her effectiveness in the roles to which she aspires.

For this assignment:

Create a compelling and convincing response to this student, including:

Why those involved in early childhood public policy and advocacy need to understand the roots and ramifications of history as illustrated by the multimedia presentation

What you learned from this assignment that will help you be a more effective early childhood professional, public policy advocate, and leader. Please explain your thinking.

Assignment length: 2–3 pages

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Explanation & Answer

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Course Title
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Early Childhood Systems
Every healthy and growing child has a right of accessing affordable early care and highquality education, family support services as well as health and mental health services. Programs
that address early childhood systems are critical and thus needs a strong infrastructure to support
its development. Programs that have been set to help enhance the effective development of early
childhood systems ought to be organized systematically to align and coordinate a broad array of
services. States and communities have a role to play in ensuring that they support the healthy
development of all children by providing coordinated and comprehensive well-funded systems of
high-quality and prenatal services that promote success in school and life. Thus, there is the need
for any interested persons on early childhood systems to have an insight about its history, public
policy, and advocacy.
Understanding the history of early childhood public policy and advocacy is essential as it
helps build fu...

I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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