research design methods

timer Asked: Jul 15th, 2018

Question Description

Part 1: Ethics in Research

Utilizing the Internet, CTU Library, and your textbook, choose 1 example of unethical research in a business setting, and discuss the following:

  • Explain why research might be considered unethical.
  • Explain what ethical considerations there are and how to avoid these issues in your research project.
  • Explain what components are needed in the introduction to a survey to address ethical concerns.

You may wish to review an example time line by clicking here.

Part 2: Preparing to Create Your Survey

Building on the organizational issue, problem, or topic that you identified in Unit 1, complete the following:

  • Write 1 research question regarding that topic, in preparation for the assignments in Units 3–5.
  • Create 5 survey questions that would help answer your research question.
  • Write your hypothesis for your research question.

300-500 words


cite work

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