timer Asked: Jul 16th, 2018

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Pre-Pamphlet - Submit Files

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Rubric Name: Pre-Pamphlet Rubric

This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.CriteriaLevel 3

Level 2

Level 1

Selection of topic and explanation (conference post by the end of week two). Note: the maximum number of points to be earned for this criteria is 20. Students may earn between 0 to 20 points for this section of the rubric.. Assigned points may vary.

20 points

Selection presented and explained in the week two conference in a compelling and logical fashion with sufficient detail to make choice understandable

10 points

Selection presented in the week two conference, but not explained in convincing fashion

0 points

Selection not presented in the week two conference

/ 20

List of References (conference post by the end of week five). Note: the maximum number of points to be earned for this criteria is 30. Students may earn between 0 to 30 points for this section of the rubric.. Assigned points may vary.

30 points

Presented in conference; references are sufficient in number to develop pamphlet; of good scientific rigor; less than seven years old, and appropriate to the topic

15 points

Presented in conference, but references are: 1) not sufficient scientific rigor; 2) outdated (more than seven years old); 3) not appropriate to topic; or 4) insufficient in number

0 points

List not submitted or list not presented in the week five conference

/ 30

Pamphlet Outline (conference post by the end of week five). Note: the maximum number of points to be earned for this criteria is 20. Students may earn between 0 to 20 points for this section of the rubric.. Assigned points may vary.

50 points

Outline presented in conference shows sufficient detail to demonstrate preliminary research findings; shows logical progression of ideas

25 points

Presented in conference, but outline is bare bones (minimal detail) and perhaps shows some lack of logical sequencing

0 points

Pamphlet outline not presented in the week five conference, or outline presented is merely a list of the required elements with no development

/ 50


— / 100

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19 mins ago

school quality work school grade A

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