Case Conceptualization-

timer Asked: Jul 21st, 2018

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Please review instructions in attachment. Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions. Please also use the case conceptualization form to fill out and answer the required questions.This assignment is self-explanatory and is due tomorrow before midnight EST.

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Assignment - Case Conceptualization Case Conceptualization Purpose: To practice developing a case conceptualization, imperative to the CBT model. Read the vignette of David (PDF pages 5 and 41) Week 3 Case Conceptualization Vignette - David.pdf Conceptualization - In outline format, complete the case conceptualization on page 42. Consider what was explained in the Friedberg & McClure text on this topic. The format should look as follows for each of the 4 sections: Early Experiences What are the significant early experiences that may affected David? Response #1 Response #2 Etc…. Analysis - In narrative format, respond to the following questions in approximately 2 pages: How would you initially make sense of David and why he is having difficulties? What information would you take into account when trying to understand David? What do you think might or might not work for David in counseling? This assignment does NOT have to be in APA format – a title page and reference page are not necessary. Content Possible Points You include appropriate Early Experiences 10 You include appropriate Underlying Beliefs 10 You include appropriate Thinking and Feeling Patterns 10 You include appropriate Behavior Patterns 10 You include thoughtful analysis (in response to the questions posed). 10 Total Points 50
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