Evaluate two of the following hypotheses. Is it or is it not a good scientific hypothesis?

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Anthropology 1

De Anza College


This is a question of my midterm, not an essay

Full question:

Evaluate two of the following hypotheses. Is it or is it not a good scientific hypothesis? (1 pt x2) IF IT IS, then how might you go about confirming or falsifying the hypothesis? (4 pts x2) IF IT IS NOT, then make a suggestion about something we could change about the hypothesis to make it more scientific. (4 pts x2)

A. Compared to all other objects in the universe, humans are about average-sized.

B. The first sentence on page 20 of The Illyrian Adventure by Lloyd Alexander (Yearling Books, 1986) reads, "Vesper grinned all over her face."

C. Lagomorphs (rabbits, hares, pikas) share a common ancestor with rodents (rats, mice, squirrels, etc.).

D. If you want to succeed, then you should always obey your parents.

You should watch "lecture 2 -- science" before you attempt to complete this quiz.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4j9JoDfKSt0 (Links to an external site.)

Recommended text:

Zihlman, Adrienne. Human Evolution Coloring Book. HarperCollins,2000.

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