Essay Response Rubric for the Analytical Essay Assignment

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HST 1410 Analytical Essay Prompt & Rubric:

In a well-written, well-organized, 1750-2000-word essay (approximately 7-8 pages), answer the following question:

Looking at the time period of 1820- 1860, describe how expansionism and sectionalism in the antebellum United States divided the nation and led to the Civil War.

(To assist with writing your assignment look at such major events as the Missouri Compromise of 1820 as being of the first manifestations of growing sectionalism; the impact of Manifest Destiny ideology on American attitudes towards expansionism; the rise of aggressive expansionism in the Democratic Party and the rise of the Free Soil movement, as they relate to Texas and Oregon in particular; the origins of the Mexican War; the immediate impact of the Mexican War on the question of slavery in the territories; the failure of the Compromise of 1850 to settle the question of slavery in the territories; the Kansas-Nebraska controversy and the breakdown of the two-party system; the Dred Scott decision and the irreconcilable views of north and south towards slavery; and the sectional nature of the Republican Party and Southern attitudes towards it. Many of these issues are discussed in the textbook in chapters 11 through 14. Also to be noted you do not have to touch on all of these topics, but look at least 5 of this major events mentioned above).

Additional instructions for the assignment:

  • Essays must be double-spaced and written in 12-point Times New Roman font.
  • Consult the rubric provided to you by your instructor for detailed information on how this essay will be evaluated and graded.
  • Only use those materials approved for use in this class (i.e., the class textbook). Books and articles are permitted. Any books or articles used for this assignment have to have an author. Use at least 3 different sources for this assignment. Please refrain from using random online sources, ESPECIALLY WIKIPEDIA.
  • Be sure you cite your sources in your essay when appropriate.
  • Include a Works Cite Page.

Essay Response Rubric for the Analytical Essay Assignment

A+ to A- Essay

B to B- Essay

C to C- Essay

D to F Essay

Introductory Paragraph and Thesis Statement

30 pts.

The introductory paragraph provides a context for the essay, garners the reader’s attention, and contains a clearly stated and well-developed thesis statement. Moreover, the thesis identifies the question and evaluates the relevance of the issue addressed in the essay prompt.

(30-27 pts.)

The introductory paragraph contains a thesis statement. However, it provides little context for the essay and does little to explicitly garner the reader’s attention.

(26-24 pts.)

The introductory paragraph has an under-developed thesis statement and basically just re-states the essay prompt.

(23-21 pts.)

The introductory paragraph merely paraphrases the essay prompt and/or does not have a thesis.

(20-0 pts.)

Supporting Details and Analysis—Tells WHY the Thesis Is Correct and WHY Readers Should Agree

120 pts.

The essay clearly demonstrates a grasp of the subject matter in that it substantially utilizes and analyzes at least 3 relevant and specific supports to effectively defend the thesis. Moreover, the essay contains no to only a minor error in fact and/or function, and it meets the required word-number for the assignment.

(120-108 pts.)

The essay utilizes at least 3 relevant and specific supports in defending the thesis. However, the analysis could be broader and deeper. And, it meets the required word-number for the assignment.

(107-96 pts.)

The essay offers at least 2 relevant and specific supports. The essay contains factual information, but lacks much analysis. And/or, it is under the required word-number for the assignment.

(95-84 pts.)

The essay contains over-generalizations and/or little to no analysis. The essay demonstrates little depth and/or limited clarity about chronological history. It may also be under the required word-number for the assignment.

(83-0 pts.)

Organization and Citations

30 pts.

The essay contains a clearly defined and organized introduction, body paragraph(s), and conclusion. Each body paragraph has effective transitions and begins with a topic sentence. The essay properly cites 3 or more sources. Moreover, the essay is engagingly written.

(30-27 pts.)

The essay is fairly well-organized and properly cites 3 or more distinct sources from the course readings. However, the essay could be more engaging.

(26-24 pts.)

The essay lacks effective transitions between paragraphs and engagement. And/or, it cites 2 or more sources, but they are not necessarily from the course readings.

(23-21 pts.)

The essay is disorganized and/or only properly cites 1 or fewer sources.

(20-0 pts.)

Voice, Grammar, Punctuation, and Capitalization

20 pts.

The essay is written in the third person (unless otherwise directed), follows proper rules of grammar, punctuation, and capitalization, and/or there is no more than 1 typo. Moreover, the essay is submitted on time.

(20-18 pts.)

The essay is written in the third person (unless otherwise directed), contains minor errors in grammar, punctuation, and/or capitalization. There are 2 minor typos. Moreover, it is on time.

(17-16 pts.)

The essay might be written in the first person (when not explicitly directed to do so), contains significant errors in grammar, punctuation, and/or capitalization. There are 3 typos. Additionally, it is on time.

(15-14 pts.)

The essay might be written in the first person, (when not explicitly directed to do so). It consistently breaks rules of grammar, punctuation, and/or capitalization. There are 4 or more typos. Or, it is late or not properly submitted.

(13-0 pts.)

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