writing essay race -yunjie

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This is a five pages essay, need to based on my first essay, which is post in attached file, title "Zhu essay 1.2", taking about racial inequity and then, choose one solution from the file :"198 Methods of Nonviolent Direct Action" to find one action such as strike to work as a solution in order to solve the racial inequity situation in US. This is an argument essay, requires an argument point and an thesis and an enthymeme.

The last attached file is about the writing requirement and how to build on a good essay. Please read them and writing one essay based on the format. And I post 2 readings in the separated part, need at least one citation from these 2 readings. Choose one reading to citation!!! important.

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1 Yunjie Zhu April Anson WR122 07/23/2018 Essay 1.2 Racially-based social injustices need social protest America has one of the world's darkest histories when it comes to racism. In fact, it is not possible to talk about racism without at least mentioning America a handful of times. Racism in America has been in existence since the colonial era and its effects have been profound. The whites and European immigrants were the first to receive rights and privileges to vote, own land as well as education. With time more and more races who immigrated to the United States were even similar privileges but the African American Community However, the black community has always been seen as slaves to the whites and as such treated as second-class citizens. Moreover, the African-American were discriminated on grounds of their skin color as well as the fact that they were seen as an economic tool through the deep-rooted slavery. Therefore, even in the current society, it becomes difficult for the black community to be seen as an equal citizen. However, there have been great strides in the fight against racism and more so because public places are open to all as well as the education system which was the most affected. The essay seeks to bring out the racial discrimination in the United States and the reasons as to why the society needs to protest social injustices. The various form of racial discrimination that have existed among Americans include marginalization from certain neighborhoods and assimilation. The American society have looked down on the African-Americans in a stereotypical manner for years and the same has been replicated in discrimination at major sectors of the economy. However, it is time to end 1 2 the social injustices that have been directed at minorities by sensitizing the society on the impact of racial discrimination against others. Moreover, the American society will have to trust in each and look at every individual as an equal and deserving of co-existence. The police brutality that have been directed against eh minority groups have to come to an ends as the judicial system looks ta all Americans as equal. The civil society should be at the front line in advocating for equal rights for all and the rebuke of those abusing human rights. It is basic knowledge that equality is a right inherent to all humans and thus no race whatsoever has the power to take that away from anyone. In this context, resistance includes more than the traditional unorganized street protests against social injustices. It also includes more than the mere talks about creating a just society with equal civil rights. At the core, however, resistance under this context includes all of these items only that it stretches to a whole new level in which the international community is extensively engaged. Resistance will assume a different definition which will shift the status quo shift from looking at the social injustices from a civil rights point of view to a human rights point of view (93). Therefore, the rest of the Americans need to rally behind the minority groups but not only paying attention to their rights but also claiming for equal treatment on their behalf. This way, the social injustices directed at the marginalized groups will cease to exists and everyone will feel equal and accepted. Equally, in this context, racially-based social injustices include all forms of injustices, discrimination, and unfairness directed at the minority groups. It includes racial segregation in education, healthcare, employment and other areas of human existence. Also, it will entail the curtailing of their political voice as a society. Thus, issues of equal political rights are also included in this definition. Generally, it encompasses all forms and manifestation of injustices directed against the black community simply for being who they are, albeit having a black skin being the most important determinant. 2 April Anson 7/28/18 5:34 PM Comment: Great! 3 Since the beginning of the United States, the white man has always taken advantage of the black man. In the South, it was slavery where the blacks were put in servitude and made to work for their white masters. In the North, it was gerrymandering which basically meant separating highly concentrated black communities to check their political power (92). According to X, the Negro was used as stepping stones to power. X observes that the whites April Anson 7/28/18 5:31 PM Deleted: T “get all the Negro vote, and after they get it, the Negro gets nothing in return” (93). Africans April Anson 7/28/18 5:31 PM Deleted: Malcolm have been taken for a ride for far too long. Their dignity has been tested and taken away for a long time. They even fought in whites’ battlefields so that the whites could sit in their homes with their children and wives. They worked in factories day and night so that the white man can sit back and enjoy the morning breeze or watch a beautiful twilight. They woke up early in the morning to queue to vote for the white man based on a bunch of “false promises" made without an intention to fulfil (89). They did all these for nothing, not even for a simple Godly April Anson 7/28/18 5:31 PM Comment: Where is this from? ‘thank you.' April Anson 7/28/18 5:31 PM Comment: ? The problem is that is the minority group that has been subjected to racism intensely April Anson 7/28/18 5:37 PM Formatted: Highlight is the black community and this has led to members of this society lacking representation in the larger American public. In fact, even after the liberation war, the black community has faced oppression in the hands of the whites. Moreover, there has been the many ways in which the lives of the Africa-American are raging behind as compared to their white counterparts such as in education, representation in the political scene. In fact, the number of black Americans in major sectors of the economy are very few as compared to other the races despite their education levels which affirms the level of discrimination practiced by employers. Historically there have been high levels of racism, for instance in 1964, there was far worse segregation, racial animosity, and violence than there was ten years before (X 94). Yet, 1954 was regarded as the darkest year in the American history as far as racism is 3 April Anson 7/28/18 5:31 PM Comment: unclear 4 concerned and moving forward it was expected that the situation would thaw up a little. However, it only got worse, and it has been getting worse ever since. Part of the problem is that the African American have trying to restore their mage from the oppressors by using the same system that crushed them and made them feel like second class citizens. (46). At best, the oppressors will only seek to keep the minority group from acquiring the full potential of their privileges as American citizens. Thus, the oppressed April Anson 7/28/18 5:34 PM Comment: this is a GREAT sentence. Need to set up Lorde, though. will never really be free. Other than just simply being oppressed people of color have created differences between them and these prevent them from recognizing their “differences and make them strengths” (46). Moreover, the minorities have been so occupied with their own differences of being Muslim or a Christian, Democrat or Republican, Baptist, Methodist, or a nationalist, etc. that they cannot see they all share the “same problem, a common problem” that affects all of them equally (89). April Anson 7/28/18 5:33 PM Comment: unclear where this quote is coming from April Anson 7/28/18 5:33 PM Comment: Refer to and analyze quote, connect to main point. Analyze quote = refer to quote first by telling the reader what in the quote is important, and then how what in that quote that’s important supports the argumentative main point of this paragraph. Another problem is that African-Americans who are part of the minority groups have had few representations in major sectors of the economy which makes it difficult for them take charge of their destiny. Moreover, the last of a representation has limited their power to impart change in the American society. In fact, when the minorities are oppressed by authorities such as the police all they can do is hope for the justice system to work in their favor which has not been the case. Currently, there are more number of blacks incarcerated with their cases pending in courts as compared to their white counterparts, and more have been gunned down without the right of hearing from a judge. The judicial system has been unfair to the black community as much as the rest of the society with their civil right being violated from time to time. It is the government that passes legislation that segregates African Americans. Yet too, it is the government that gives false promises during every campaign period. This is because all the officers that perpetrate these evils work for the government and the government know them. 4 April Anson 7/28/18 5:36 PM Comment: A little confusing/unclear 5 Africans Americans civil rights movement also limits their course because how they describe their problems does not fit that which can be picked up and handled by the international community through organizations like the UN. Generally, the UN is obliged to delve into matters of human rights. Thus, if the African-Americans could describe their misfortunes in terms of violations of their human rights it will provide a good angle for the international community to intervene and help. Regarding racial experiences, many occurrences have been successfully handled by the UN and part of that has been due to how the issues have been presented to the international community. Clearly, the problems facing the black community are far worse than some of the human rights violations known to humans. They should, therefore, be defined in these terms and demonstrated so. Unless the UN and other international April Anson 7/28/18 5:36 PM Comment: Facts/examples cannot begin a paragraph. First, state what the main point is that the fact/example will work to support, then connect the main point to language in the enthymeme. THEN, in the sentence following the topic sentence, introduce the fact/example. organizations are in conspiracy with the American government, they should be able to form constructive alliances with the victims of the American system to make a strong case against the oppressors. Resisting these evils is a society is a very important thing but getting support to act in a just way requires the society changing its attitude towards human oppression. The Americans must rise up and speak in one voice against all forms of racial injustices and view it not as mere civil rights issues but as violations of human rights. It is important, too, that the international community recognizes these injustices as human rights issues and accord an urgent attention. The black community must find a way to fight for its place in the society through the few representations it has in the positions of power by influencing the change in attitude and focusing on the benefits of a united society. The impacts of the racial discrimination are grave and if they continue, more and more minority groups will fall out with nationalism due to the oppression subjected to them. First and foremost, it will fuel up racial conflicts which can so well escalate to a big dispute 5 April Anson 7/28/18 5:36 PM Comment: What society? 6 with an international participation. Moreover, the globalization of the society would create more animosity in areas with high levels of diversity with divisions based on races which is detrimental to progress against racism. In fact, the presence of racism at the international front would lead to a society that is not driven by love of humanity by one’s race. Continued racial injustices will also increase the suffering of the people of color. Children born in black neighborhoods will not have a chance to prosper and make something beautiful out their lives. If anything, they will be condemned to poverty, crime, and other tags wrongly associated with black existence. The lives of black people will continue to worse every year as they rot in poverty and bondage. It is essential for the government to aim to change the lives of the minority groups not based on the historical injustices they have faced, but rather because they are part of the America society. More importantly they contribute to the economy as their white counterparts. The racially-driven social injustices that have existed in the American society have largely been directed at the minority groups. There have been adverse effects of the racial discrimination and it has affected the minority’s way of life and affected their interactions. It is high time the society evaluated its attitude towards the minorities and acknowledged them as deserving of the same privileges and right as the whites. Moreover, the international support would aid in bringing harmony and sanity among the American societies while acknowledging that eliminating that the vice will not go away soon. Hence, redefining the course is important and requires support from the international community. Also, the African Americans themselves must pull together and see the common enemy above all their differences. They should at least avoid using their masters' tools to try to bring down the masters' house, but focus on redefining their course to amass international support from organizations like the UN. If these injustices are not successfully resisted they will lead to widening conflict between blacks and whites all over the world and increased suffering of the 6 April Anson 7/28/18 5:33 PM Deleted: at various sectors of the economy 7 people of color not just in America but also in other parts of the world occupied by similar race composition. Overall this essay is much improved from the .1 version. It has some very compelling topic sentences in places, but is missing them in others. For Essay 2, try for a more NARROW topic and articulate the tactic or strategy of protest that you think could affect change. In essay 2, elaborate the evidence the essay offers in support of each of its main points with clearer transitions from sentence to sentence and idea to idea. Remember that every body paragraph should explain and offer evidence for the claim that is made in the topic sentence. I have highlighted what I think is your strongest body paragraph in the essay – strong because of the ideas, the transitions, the evidence and analysis, or all of these. The highlighting is meant to draw your attention to a portion of writing that should be carried over into essay 2 (with revisions, of course). I have noted grammatical/formatting/sentence construction mistakes. - NOT ALL of them, but some to alert you. Feel free to visit office hours to discuss any finer details. Overall, your writing has come a VERY long way – you should be proud! ☺ Thinking about the final, focus on: • Clear, argumentative topic sentences that communicate the argumentative scope of the paragraph that they begin. • Making sure the counterarguments are clearly MARKED (i.e. who holds this position) and responded to (flagged with transition words to make contrast clear) • Closer attention to analyzing quotes for main points. • Avoiding vague or general language from the VERY beginning of the essay drafting process – this will allow for much better feedback for revisions, and thus a better overall grade ☺ Overall, good revisions! - Ideas/Content: 3.6 April Anson 7/28/18 5:34 PM Formatted: Bullets and Numbering April Anson 7/28/18 5:34 PM Formatted: Bullets and Numbering - Organization: 4 - Quotations/Evidence: 3.4 - Format/Citations: 4 – see MLA for proper citation format - Style: 3.4– Eliminate “this,” “that,” “these” TOTAL: 73/100 Works Cited Lorde, Audre. "The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house." Social Protest, A Casebook for Writers. Edited by Bethany Jacobs. MISSING PUBLICATION info 2014. 45-46 7 April Anson 7/28/18 5:32 PM Comment: separate page, the last. 8 Malcolm, X. "The ballot or the bullet." Social Protest, A Casebook for Writers. Edited by Bethany Jacobs. MISSING PUBLICATION info 2014. 89-96 8 April Anson 7/28/18 5:32 PM Formatted: Font:Italic 198 METHODS OF NONVIOLENT ACTION The Methods of Nonviolent Protest and Persuasion Formal Statements 1. Public speeches 2. Letters of opposition or support 3. Declarations by organizations and institutions 4. Signed public statements 5. Declarations of indictment and intention 6. Group or mass petitions Communications with a Wider Audience 7. Slogans, caricatures, and symbols 8. Banners, posters, and displayed communications 9. Leaflets, pamphlets, and books 10. Newspapers and journals 11. Records, radio, and television 12. Skywriting and earthwriting Group Representations 13. Deputations 14. Mock awards 15. Group lobbying 16. Picketing 17. Mock elections Symbolic Public Acts 18. Displays of flags and symbolic colors 19. Wearing of symbols 20. Prayer and worship 21. Delivering symbolic objects 22. Protest disrobings 23. Destruction of own property 24. Symbolic lights 25. Displays of portraits 26. Paint as protest 27. New signs and names 28. Symbolic sounds 29. Symbolic reclamations 30. Rude gestures Pressures on Individuals 31. “Haunting” officials 32. Taunting officials 33. Fraternization 34. Vigils Drama and Music 35. Humorous skits and pranks 36. Performances of plays and music 37. Singing Processions 38. Marches 39. Parades 40. Religious processions 41. Pilgrimages 42. Motorcades Honoring the Dead 43. Political mourning 44. Mock funerals 45. Demonstrative funerals 46. Homage at burial places Public Assemblies 560 Harrison Ave Suite 402 Boston, MA 02118 USA tel: 617.247.4882 fax 617.247.4035 einstein@igc.org www.aeinstein.org 47. Assemblies of protest or support 48. Protest meetings 49. Camouflaged meetings of protest 50. Teach-ins Withdrawal and Renunciation 51. Walk-outs 52. Silence 53. Renouncing honors 54. Turning one’s back The Methods of Social Noncooperation Ostracism of Persons 55. Social boycott 56. Selective social boycott 57. Lysistratic nonaction 58. Excommunication 59. Interdict Noncooperation with Social Events, Customs, and Institutions 60. Suspension of social and sports activities 61. Boycott of social affairs 62. Student strike 63. Social disobedience 64. Withdrawal from social institutions Withdrawal from the Social System 65. Stay-at-home 66. Total personal noncooperation 67. “Flight” of workers 68. Sanctuary 69. Collective disappearance 70. Protest emigration (hijrat) The Methods of Economic Noncooperation: Economic Boycotts Actions by Consumers 71. Consumers’ boycott 72. Nonconsumption of boycotted goods 73. Policy of austerity 74. Rent withholding 75. Refusal to rent 76. National consumers’ boycott 77. International consumers’ boycott Action by Workers and Producers 78. Workmen’s boycott 79. Producers’ boycott Action by Middlemen 80. Suppliers’ and handlers’ boycott Action by Owners and Management 81. Traders’ boycott 82. Refusal to let or sell property 83. Lockout 84. Refusal of industrial assistance 85. Merchants’ “general strike” Action by Holders of Financial Resources 86. Withdrawal of bank deposits 87. Refusal to pay fees, dues, and assessments 88. Refusal to pay debts or interest 89. Severance of funds and credit 90. Revenue refusal 91. Refusal of a government’s money Action by Governments 92. Domestic embargo 93. Blacklisting of traders 94. International sellers’ embargo 95. International buyers’ embargo 96. International trade embargo The Methods of Economic Noncooperation: The Strike Symbolic Strikes 97. Protest strike 98. Quickie walkout (lightning strike) Agricultural Strikes 99. Peasant strike 100. Farm Workers’ strike Strikes by Special Groups 101. Refusal of impressed labor 102. Prisoners’ strike 103. Craft strike 104. Professional strike Ordinary Industrial Strikes 105. Establishment strike 106. Industry strike 107. Sympathetic strike Restricted Strikes 108. Detailed Strike 109. Bumper strike 110. Slowdown strike 111. Working-to-rule strike 112. Reporting “sick” (sick-in) 113. Strike by resignation 114. Limited strike 115. Selective strike Multi-Industry Strikes 116. Generalized strike 117. General strike Combination of Strikes and Economic Closures 118. Hartal 119. Economic shutdown The Methods of Political Noncooperation Rejection of Authority 120. Withholding or withdrawal of allegiance 121. Refusal of public support 122. Literature and speeches advocating resistance Citizens’ Noncooperation with Government 123. Boycott of legislative bodies 124. Boycott of elections 125. Boycott of government employment and positions 126. Boycott of government depts., agencies, and other bodies 127. Withdrawal from government educational institutions 128. Boycott of government-supported organizations 129. Refusal of assistance to enforcement agents 130. Removal of own signs and placemarks 131. Refusal to accept appointed officials 132. Refusal to dissolve existing institutions Citizens’ Alternatives to Obedience 133. Reluctant and slow compliance 134. Nonobedience in absence of direct supervision 135. Popular nonobedience 136. Disguised disobedience 137. Refusal of an assemblage or meeting to disperse 138. Sit-down 139. Noncooperation with conscription and deportation 140. Hiding, escape, and false identities 141. Civil disobedience of “illegitimate” laws The Methods of Nonviolent Intervention Psychological Intervention 158. Self-exposure to the elements 159. The fast a. Fast of moral pressure b. Hunger strike c. Satyagrahic fast 160. Reverse trial 161. Nonviolent harassment Physical Intervention 162. Sit-in 163. Stand-in 164. Ride-in 165. Wade-in 166. Mill-in 167. Pray-in 168. Nonviolent raids 169. Nonviolent air raids 170. Nonviolent invasion 171. Nonviolent interjection 172. Nonviolent obstruction 173. Nonviolent occupation Social Intervention 174. Establishing new social patterns 175. Overloading of facilities 176. Stall-in 177. Speak-in 178. Guerrilla theater 179. Alternative social institutions 180. Alternative communication system Economic Intervention 181. Reverse Strike 182. Stay-in Strike 183. Nonviolent land seizure 184. Defiance of Blockades 185. Politically Motivated Counterfeiting 186. Preclusive Purchasing 187. Seizure of assets 188. Dumping 189. Selective patronage 190. Alternative markets 191. Alternative transportation systems 192. Alternative economic institutions Political Intervention 193. Overloading of administrative systems 194. Disclosing identities of secret agents 195. Seeking imprisonment 196. Civil disobedience of “neutral” laws 197. Work-on without collaboration 198. Dual sovereignty and parallel government Action by Government Personnel 142. Selective refusal of assistance by government aides 143. Blocking of lines of command and information 144. Stalling and obstruction 145. General administrative noncooperation 146. Judicial noncooperation 147. Deliberate inefficiency and selective noncooperation by enforcement agents 148. Mutiny Domestic Governmental Action 149. Quasi-legal evasions and delays 150. Noncooperation by constituent governmental units International Governmental Action 151. Changes in diplomatic and other representations 152. Delay and cancellation of diplomatic events 153. Withholding of diplomatic recognition 154. Severance of diplomatic relations 155. Withdrawal from international organizations 156. Refusal of membership in international bodies 157. Expulsion from international organizations Far too often people struggling for democratic rights and justice are not aware of the full range of methods of nonviolent action. Wise strategy, attention to the dynamics of nonviolent struggle, and careful selection of methods can increase a group’s chances of success. Gene Sharp’s researched and catalogued these 198 methods and provided a rich selection of historical examples in his seminal work, The Politics of Nonviolent Action (3 Vols.) Boston: Porter Sargent, 1973. Essay 2.1 First Paragraph must include: Hook, Preview essay, Thesis, Enthymeme, Problem. Body Paragraph: every body paragraph must start with a topic sentence, like one of main points. The final paragraph: Review above points and conclusion. Instructor emphasizes: The essay in this class must contains more self-thinking and ideas, so do not write facts and objective fact. Also need to give some example of nowadays society. Keep racial inequality issues(thesis) as narrow as possible because too broad content will lose many grades for this essay. Please remember to state thesis problem exist in American society. This teacher really cares about particular area, like America, china or other countries. Example for Enthymeme from classmate: US workers should strike because US workers could unionize to gain for labor rights. term) should (your) claim because XXX+reason. Example for Question: What is wrong now? ⚫ Avoid Quotes longer than 3 lines. Enthymeme is XXX (shared What all good essays have: All good essays should do the following: • Thesis in the form of an enthymeme. • Argumentative topic sentences begin each body paragraph and connect to enthymeme. • Support each topic sentence with evidence and analyze the evidence for the main point. • Main points in a logical order with transitions to guide the reader from point to point. • Anticipate and respond fairly and completely to counter arguments • Citations and formatting are done correctly. Introduction: - Introduce the controversy (the question at issue) - Situate the essay’s argument within the controversy (make clear the specific aspect of the controversy the essay will address) - Clearly stated enthymeme (towards the end, if not at the end, of the introduction) Body Paragraphs, each body paragraph should: - Begin with the central ARGUMENTATIVE point of the paragraph that clearly connects to the enthymeme (ie. it cannot be a fact) - Focus only on that particular argumentative point (no tangents) - Provide evidence within the paragraph which supports the main point - Analyze the evidence in relation to the main point (ie. tell the reader how to feel/think about the evidence – what does it prove?) - Conclude the paragraph by referring back to the main point and connecting it with a transition to the paragraph that follows Evidence: - Clearly take up at least one of the readings from class. - Clearly introduced source(s) of evidence (see quotations handout for ideas and examples/models) - Embed the quotations (see quotations handout for ideas and examples/models) - Properly cite all quotations and paraphrasing - Analyze every piece of evidence in relation to the essay’s argument (either the enthymeme, or a part of the reasoning) Counter Arguments: - Should address the relevant counter-claims to main points, as well as overall argument. - Should appear in context (meaning, avoid relegating the counter argument(s) to its own paragraph; instead, place them as they would naturally arise in the context of the essay’s claims) - Should be respectfully, thoughtfully, and completely responded to. Conclusion: - Should not include any new information - Should review the main points of argument - Should summarize the essay’s overall positions - Leave the reader with memorable way(s) to think about the topic Format: - Proper formatting throughout the entire paper - Include a title that introduces the argument (think of it as your thesis in an incomplete sentence) - Include a properly formatted MLA citation page Writing 122: Social Protest Essay Guidelines Essay 2 What tactic, strategy, or movement should be used as a model for imagining effective resistance to a social justice issue? Why? This essay will be 5 to 6 pages (no less than 5, no more than 6). This essay must argue: • That a specific social justice issue (relevant to racial, sustainability, poverty, or privilege concerns) is of concern, and • For a protest tactic that you find particularly effective. Unlike essay 1, this essay must go beyond arguing that there is a problem, to arguing for something specific, relevant to that problem and even including something that should/could be done about it. The essay may follow the same format as Essay 1, but also may deviate from that template (especially with regards to paragraph 2 and 3). Essay 2 must have at least two direct quotes from the essays read for class, properly cited in MLA format, and a MLA Works Cited page. Essay Proposal – Writing 122 An essay proposal is a thoughtful, detailed plan of your essay–a road map you anticipate following. A successful proposal does convey the impression that you have anticipated the path, as well as many potential potholes in the road and have devised a plan to avoid them. The purpose of the essay proposal is to garner feedback to incorporate the feedback before the actual writing process. The Essay Proposal must include: 1) Question at Issue: Explore your answer to the central essay question (above). 2) Working enthymeme in enthymeme form: [Shared term] [claim] because [shared term] [reason] 3) Anticipated main points: This should be a list of your most compelling main points, as evidence you have thought through your enthymeme and what your essay must prove/discuss. 4) Class reading: At least one of the class readings that you think you will use in your argument. This can include a summary of what in the reading is useful to your argument and a quotation that you feel is particularly important.
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