Chapter 4 - Veiling of Women

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Chapter 4 Veiling of Women

The Veiling of Women

The practice of "veiling" (women wearing veils as part of a cultural expectation) has a complex moral history. Today, we most closely associate veiling with Muslims, so let's start with a culturally relevant premise (which you should ask yourself whether you believe to be true or not): "Muslims invented the idea that women wear veils in public."

But then go a little deeper: try to gain an understanding as to why ancient societies developed the practice of veiling women? Consider the following 3 pieces of evidence relating to the veiling of women in the ancient world. This link might also be helpful.


In Assyria in the thirteenth century BCE, an Assyrian Law stated, “If the wives of a man, or the daughters of a man go out into the street, their heads are to be veiled. The prostitute is not to be veiled. Maidservants are not to veil themselves. Veiled harlots and maidservants shall have their garments seized and fifty blows inflicted on them and bitumen poured on their heads.” (p. 130 in textbook states that prostitutes can be executed if they veiled.)


A Roman author, Valerius Maximus (c. 20 BCE–c. CE 50), affirms the necessity of veiling by elite Roman women in his book Factorum ac dictorum memorabilium libri IX (“nine books of memorable deeds and sayings”). Maximus mentions a Roman man named Gallus who told his wife: “To have your good looks approved, the law limits you to my eyes only. For them assemble the tools of beauty, for them look your best, trust to their closest familiarity. Any further sight of you, summoned by needless incitement, has to be mired in suspicion and crimination.” [Bruce W Winter. Roman Wives, Roman Widows: The Appearance of New Women and the Pauline Communities, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2003, p. 82.] Maximus goes on to mention that upper class husbands could divorce wives who went out in public without a veil covering their heads.


...And reveal not their adornment save such as is outward; and let them cast their veils over their bosoms (Quran 24:31)

O Prophet, say to your wives and daughters and the believing women that they draw their veils close to them..., (Quran 33:59)

Here is the topic to be addressed in essay form and posted in this discussion forum:

Consider this evidence and draft a 300-400 word post discussing whether Muslims invented the idea of women wearing veils in public. Be sure to use specific examples to support your point of view.

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