Research 1

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Please develop an APA format with 6 pages (The introduction must include 3 definitions of pain and also the purpose of the paper). See the attachment below for instructions. Don't forget include citations and the references below. Thank you!

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RUBRIC: Assignment 1: Concept Analysis Paper (20 Points) Select a concept from the Concept list located in the Weekly Guide/Week 4 or select a concept of the student’s personal choice. In the Health Professions Division (HPD) library, perform a library search on the selected concept. Place the selected concept name in the first search box. Then place the word concept analysis in the second search box. Apply the search options but do not place the five-year limiter as one of the search options. Instructional Rubric Develop a scholarly paper that includes the following criteria: 1. A definition of the concept utilizing various sources 2. Define the criteria of the concept a. Discuss the uses of the concept b. Define the attributes of the concept c. Identify antecedents and consequences 3. Theoretical perspectives of the concept (theories that use the concept) 4. Provide an example of the significance of the concept to nursing practice from the organizational setting 5. The scholarly paper should be 5-6 pages excluding the title and reference pages. 6. The paper should include level 1 and level 2 headings. 7. The paper should begin with an introductory paragraph that includes the purpose statement. The introductory paragraph and purpose statement allow the reader to understand what the paper/assignment is going to address. 8. The paper should include a conclusion. 9. Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’). 1. Include a minimum of three (3) references from professional peer-reviewed nursing journals (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory) to support your paper. You may use the course textbook in addition to your scholarly journals. ***You may use historical references. (Definition of historical reference: reference to a well-known person, place event or literary work that adds meaning to the paper.) 10. APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations). 11. Submit the assignment to TurnitinDirect prior to your final submission to the assignment drop box. 12. Review the originality report and make any needed changes. 13. Submit to the assignment drop box by the posted due date (Sept 17 at 11:59pm). nt Assignment: Concept Analysis Paper ( 20 points) 6 points 2 points All topics/criteria addressed and all All topics/criteria addressed and All topics/criteria questions fully answered. most questions fully answered. addressed, and most questions partially answered. ccuracy 6 points ation ion 4 points 1 point One or more topics/ addressed or comple answered. 4 points 2 points 2 point Information clearly relates to the main topic/criteria. It includes several supporting details and/or examples. Information clearly relates to the main topic/criteria. It provides supporting details and/or examples. Information clearly relates to the main topic/criteria. A few details and/or examples are given. Information has littl nothing to do with th topic/criteria. 4 points 3 points 1 points 0.5 point Information is very organized with Information organized with well- There is an attempt at well-constructed paragraphs and constructed paragraphs and organization but errors levels of heading. levels of heading. exist. No levels of heading. The information or o structure appears disorganized. 4 points 2 points 1 point 0 point All references are from a relevant professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal, within a 5-year timeframe, or a classic/ historical source. The majority of references are from a relevant professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal, within a 5-year timeframe or a classic/historical source. Some references are from non-peer-reviewed scholarly sources or older than 5 years. Majority of referenc from non-peer-revie scholarly sources or 5 years. oints of the assigned points (total points of assignment) can be deducted from the earned points for errors in APA style [title page, int atement, level heading, conclusion, references, citations, and format], spelling, and/or grammar. l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Running Head: PAIN





Pain is a common term and experience that affects human beings in everyday life.
Effective management of pain is very crucial in patient care process and is one of the key factors
in the enhancement of complete wellness of the patient. However, Gerhardt, Eich, Treede, &
Tesarz, 2017 has found out that for time immemorial, this issue of pain has never really been
solved as it should be in our health. Nurses being the epitome of patient care can explicitly
elaborate about pain as they have experienced what it implies to be in pain during the time spent
with their patients. Patients should remain pain free after healing of the conditions they suffer
from or from tissue impairment. Basically, pain is categorized into two form, acute and chronic
pain. Acute pain is associated with damage of body tissues, inflammation or just a disease which
lasts relatively within a short span of time. However, pain that never resolves after healing or
even with attempts to mask it graduates to be a chronic pain. Such pain lasts for longer than three
months and is termed to be a condition on its own at this stage. Nursing care process will prove
to be ineffective and even irrelevant if pain is not able to be elevated from the patients (Lewis,
2016). Nurses therefore are faced with the challenge of curbing this gap in the patient care, to
make pain management practical, realistic and be able to be evaluated on time.
The paper intends to critically analyze pain, digging deep into different context and raising
up its attributes which in turn can come up with suggestions that can enhance effective nursing
management of pain. Chronic pain affects an individual’s life in every aspect thus approach of
pain should not be fixated rather should be in a bio-psychosocial manner to get to its roots.



Pain is dated back to historical times of the likes of Florence Nightingale the mother of
nursing wh...

Goes above and beyond expectations!


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