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Biomechanical Competency: 150 pts

You should be competent in ALL topics in the course but to DEMONSTRATE competence you are required to submit evidence for THREE of the topics in each section. (To receive the points ALL competencies must be turned in)

Due: Prior to Exam 1, Exam 2, and the Final Exam (consult calendar)


ALL LABORATORY RESULTS and INTERPRETATION are REQUIRED competencies. Graphs must include Figure Caption and labeled axes and units. The competencies are evidence that YOU understand the concept and can explain it to a colleague. Evidence CANNOT be lecture slides. Evidence CANNOT be an Infograph that you did not make. Include in your competency the following information:

For the competency assignment assume you are a CONSULTANTfor an athlete or a team (BE SPECIFIC). For each competency explain how it will affect your athlete or team.

  • Your name
  • Name of Competency
  • A description of the concept with the perspective of your team or athlete (short paragraph or bullet points)
  • Evidence (Laboratory results, Warm ups, Preparation Guide Application Questions, Class Case Studies)

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Biomechanical Competency: 150 pts You should be competent in ALL topics in the course but to DEMONSTRATE competence you are required to submit evidence for THREE of the topics in each section. (To receive the points ALL competencies must be turned in) Due: Prior to Exam 1, Exam 2, and the Final Exam (consult calendar) Directions: ALL LABORATORY RESULTS and INTERPRETATION are REQUIRED competencies. Graphs must include Figure Caption and labeled axes and units. The competencies are evidence that YOU understand the concept and can explain it to a colleague. Evidence CANNOT be lecture slides. Evidence CANNOT be an Infograph that you did not make. Include in your competency the following information: For the competency assignment assume you are a CONSULTANT for an athlete or a team (BE SPECIFIC). For each competency explain how it will affect your athlete or team. • • • • Your name Name of Competency A description of the concept with the perspective of your team or athlete (short paragraph or bullet points) Evidence (Laboratory results, Warm ups, Preparation Guide Application Questions, Class Case Studies) *Starred competencies ARE REQUIRED HINTS: Merge each competency and evidence into ONE word or pdf document. NO Pages documents. See examples. *Indicate REQUIRED competencies Biomechanical Competency List: Biomechanical Competency #1: 1. Joint Motions Lab Results 2. Force & Torque Lab Results* 3. Running Lab Results 1 4. Linear-Angular Laboratory Results 5. Projectile Motion Biomechanical Competency #2: 1. GRF Lab Results* 2. EMG: Laboratory Data* 3. Running Muscle Analysis: Graphs from Class 4. Eccentric-Concentric Contraction Lab Results 5. Pennation & Architecture 6. Adaptation to Exercise: Neural & Architecture (Protein) Biomechanical Competency #3: 1. Posture Analysis: Lab Results* 2. Force-Length Lab Results 3. Force-Velocity Lab Results 4. Lifting Mechanics-Spine Health 5. Bone Strength- Moment of Inertia 6. Bone & Exercise 7. Fluid Mechanics: Drag & Lift Professional Competencies: Extra Credit 1. Complete a Literature Search on a Biomechanical Topic: submit a screen shot from Pub Med or Google Scholar 2. List 2 People you follow for Professional Information: Bloggers, twitter, You Tube or Instagram. Who are they? Topics they cover. What is their professional or educational background. 3. Find a Professional Association in the Kinesiology Area: List the association, include a link, identify an upcoming conference 2 Walk Jog Run 1 22.3 14.0 10.9 2 19.0 11.7 4.7 3 23.7 9.3 17.1 4 10.1 12.7 15.5 5 (Black Pants) 20.1 5.9 2.5 6 4.3 13.3 .8 7 12.4 16.1 21.7 8 9.9 .6 8.8 9 18.6 11.9 6.3 10 30.6 20.9 10.1 11 19.8 10.3 2.9 Blue: Walk Orange: Run Purpose: To determine the difference of the angle of the ankle joint during heel strike from walking to running. Procedure: 1. Have participants set up on treadmill with a video recorder setup recording the sagittal plane. 2. Start increasing the treadmill speed till participant says they are at a comfortable walking speed. Record for 10’s 3. Start increasing the treadmill speed till participant says they are at a comfortable Jogging speed. Record for 10’s 4. Start increasing the treadmill speed till participant says they are at a run speed. Record for 10’s 5. Export videos of participant to Dartfish. 6. Use the angular tool to measure the angle of the ankle when heel hits the grounds. Use the lateral malleolus, fifth metatarsal, and fibular head and landmarks. Repeat for walking, jogging and running videos. Record data. Limitations: • Running barefoot • Human error using angular tool on Dartfish • Participants’ choice of clothing • Participants chose their own speeds Results • We believe that the 3 people who had a greater run angle than walk were foot strikers • 54.5% of our subjects angle decreases as their speed increased (6/11) • 81.8% of our subjects angle decreased from walk to run (9/11) Next time we would keep track of who is anyone turned into toe/heel strikers as their test went on, next time we would also discuss potentially taking the jog out as it is different for everyone and can be hard to regulate, on 45.5% (5/11) participants the jog angle seems to be an anomaly and could be ruled out due to a wide range of participants definitions of a jog KIN303 Biomechanics Treadmill Laboratory 1 Treadmill Laboratory Introduction: Gait analysis is used in research, in the clinic and even in commercial settings (footwear stores). This laboratory will introduce you to key points in setting up the recording system (camera or ipad), collecting data, viewing runners, and presenting data. Background: The Gait Cycle • The gait cycle begins when the foot contacts the ground and ends when the same foot contacts the ground on the next step. The two major components of the gait cycle are the stance phase and the swing phase. These cycles may be further broken down into key points such as initial contact, mid-stance, toe-off for each side. • The stance phase of gait refers to the point in the gait cycle where the foot is in contact with the ground. In normal walking, stance begins at the heel and transitions to the toe and lasts approximately one second. A walker lands with 1-1.5x bodyweight. • The swing phase of gait occurs after the foot leaves the ground until the next foot contact occurs. The leg is swinging forward and preparing for the next foot strike. Abnormalities or asymmetries in swing phase may indicate a problem during contact that is being compensated for while the leg is in the air. • Walking vs. Running : In walking gait there are periods when both feet are in contact with the ground simultaneously and at least one foot is always in contact with the ground at any given time. In running gait only one foot contacts the ground at a time and there are periods where neither foot is in contact with the ground. • Running gait is more variable. Eighty percent of runners land on their heel when in shoes, and the remaining twenty percent of runners land either on their mid or forefoot. The foot is in contact with the ground for one tenth to five tenths of a second while the runner is landing with 2.4-3.0 times their bodyweight. Overuse injuries to the lower extremity are typically caused during the stance phase of gait. Materials: Treadmill, ipad with Dartfish Express, tripod Procedure: 1. Set up the recording system to record the runners in the sagittal plane. Develop and record the steps so your class mates can repeat your procedure. 2. Record all students running in the laboratory a. Determine the speed that you will use 1 KIN303 Biomechanics Treadmill Laboratory 2 b. Duration of the session Option A 3. Determine if the runners are Forefoot strikers, Rearfoot strikers or Heel strikers. Define each and determine what will determine the choice. Option B 4. Determine the Hip, Knee or Ankle angle during the Stance and Swing phase. Using Dartfish. 2
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