The body shop

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Business Finance


I need 4-8 done of this study case

I already have 1-3 done and I attached the Excel

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Sales COGS/Sales Operating Expenses Interest Rate Tax Rate Dividends Curr. Assets/Sales Curr. Liabs./Sales Fixed Assets Starting Equity Income Statement Sales COGS Operating expenses Interest expense (income) Profit Before Tax Tax Profit After Tax Dividends Earnings Retained 422,733 0.38 0.5 0.06 0.3 10,900 0.32 0.28 110,600 121,600 2002 422,733 160638.5 211366.5 -1171.21 51,899 15569.75 36,329 10,900 25,429 Balance Sheet 2002 Current Assets Fixed Assets Total Assets 135274.6 110,600 245,875 Current Liabilities Debt Equity Total Liab. & Net Worth 118365.2 -19,520 147,029 245,875
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