i need help with assignment

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1-Some of the most pressing world issues today include: the refugee crisis, world poverty/ hunger, climate change, global finance, ISIS/ terrorism, world healthcare, economic growth and development, and gender equality.

Which issue(s) do you see as the most pressing and why? How should this issue(s) be addressed and by whom?

2-In 300-350 words, please respond to the following:

A popular doctrine in politics, often attributed to Machiavellil (although he never explicitly stated it as so), states that the "end justifies the means." What does this mean? Should we accept this doctrine no matter what the end or the means? Why or why not?

If you are unfamiliar with this doctrine, please do a little research before responding. If you use outside sources in your response, please cite appropriately and include a works cited page. Failure to do so would be considered plagiarism.

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