
timer Asked: Sep 10th, 2018

Question Description

Assignment 1:

  1. Using the school library and other credible resources find 15 articles relating to physical security. Summarize the author’s view from the article abstract then write your views (4-6 sentences on each article). Please ensure to you cite each article according the American Psychological Association (APA) format. You must also use the title page from the Course Material folder for assignment. There is also a Week 2 IP example template in the Course Material folder you can use to assist you. Please do not use any of the articles on the template in your paper. Your SA score should not be more than 30%; also ensure your reference list coincide with the int-text citations.15pts.

Assignment 2:

No physical security is a 100% defeat-proof. For this assignment write 3-6 pages defining and explaining the levels of physical security, risk management and vulnerability assessment, along with their purposes. Please ensure to use proper APA formatting. All font must be Times Roman 12, double spaced, and all paragraphs (4-8 sentences) must should be indented.


  • Please use the IP title page provided in the course material folder.
  • Your SA score should not be more than 30%.
  • If your last posted assignment is more that 30% you will get a zero score.
  • In-text citations and a reference list are also a requirement.
  • You need to have at least 10 cited sources this assignment.
  • Please ensure that all cited sources are credible

Note: Please write each assignment in separate word document.

Thank you!!

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