Beowulf descriptive essay

timer Asked: Sep 11th, 2018

Question Description

you will write a 1-2 page double spaced description of one scene from Beowulf. The scene must contain vivid details, descriptive language, and appeal to the senses to grab the reader’s attention.

1. Choose one scene from Beowulf (Battle with Grendel, Battle with Grendel’s Mother, Battle with Dragon).

2. Pretend you are an observer, or one of the characters in the scene - you will be rewriting the scene from this character’s perspective.

3. Pretend you are in the middle of the action in this scene. The narrative shouldn’t start from the beginning, but should be told en medias res, or in the middle of the action.

4. Describe what things feel, sound, taste, smell, and look like in this scene. Choose specific details, sensory words, and figurative language (similes and metaphors, for example) to describe the scene using your five senses.

5. Write in present tense.

6. Convey a solemn atmosphere that is reminiscent of Beowulf.The tone must be serious.

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