In-Class PLC Collaboration

User Generated




Case Study

Sunny Hill Elementary Barrington

File smartgoalworksheet.pdf (69.913 KB)

This assignment is a simulation of a PLC, with collaboration for the main purpose. As a participant in a PLC, you will be working in small groups to work on a Case Study. Your work in this simulation parallels that of a newly formed PLC, and requires you to collaboratively produce two products: a set of group norms, and a minimum of two SMART Goals.

Class PLC Collaboration I have all information for fail

Collectively identify norms within which your group will effectively work. Use the information in DuFour (p.73-74) to guide your development of norms. (Refer to pdf DuFourNormsP137-138)

Individually determine patterns and trends. Share your observations and findings with your colleagues. Identify two areas to target, and use the SMART Goal Worksheet in DuFour (p. 101) and examples (p. 94-100) to create a minimum of two SMART Goals based on the data provided to your group. (No more than three SMART Goals should be created.)

I want what do you do this group on meeting as conversation

Collaboration within a PLC

calls for members to share--------what do you do

, provide feedback, ----------------what do you do

bounce ideas off of each other----------what the bast strategy can use for ELA

, respectfully challenge,------------what the challenge

question and elaborate on one another’s contributions------------???

. All group members must have a writing

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Explanation & Answer




PLC Collaboration
Institutional affiliation:



PLC Collaboration
Norms and Smart Goals
On the norms that we are working on in Sunny Hill Elementary School Barrington are be
on time. This is because bring on time helps us as a group in making sure that we get the
available content on research we are conducting. On the other hand, the other norm is that we
will have to collaborate with others in order we get support which will help us achieve our goals.
We must evaluate ourselves in order to be effective to our goals. This is critical since through it
we will be able to accomplish our mission as a group. We have to collect all the available data
and scrutinize it carefully from the students in order to find the solutions on the issues we are
trying to solve. Lastly, the last norm is that as a group we must respect each opinion so as to
block rising conflict among members.
Smart Goals
Smart goals are achievements that a grou...

Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.


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