The class is about OSHA. please read the description.

timer Asked: Sep 14th, 2018

Question Description

You will need to do some searching and investigation about two particular events: Fuyao Glass Plant Accident and Confined Space Accident at Bumble Bee Tuna Plant.

Both places have had significant impacts on safety and Accident Causation. Write a short paper (Maximum two to three pages) and discuss what you find about these two incidents, how they could have been prevented, which Domino Theory you would use to classify these under and why and what do you believe has been done to regulate it today. The regulation is not just for this industry but all others like sharing the same particular processes or conditions.

At the bottom of the last page, list at least two more events, Locally, Nationally or Globally that would also fit that same topical area of Accident Causation.

When ready to submit paper, click on "view complete" below.

Attach your paper as a word document via the Browse button and save it as a .doc file, not a .docx

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