I have Assignment answare 4 Question

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Computer Science


1- Your friend runs a small, but growing landscaping company. It's slowly growing difficult to manage, as your friend is using a simple spreadsheet to manage his work. , decided to tell him that a Database would be a better fit for his business? Why should he use a database? What are the problems that he can have with a list?

2- What is metadata and how is it different than data itself? Please give 5 examples of metadata.

3- What is a DBMS and what's the difference between a desktop DBMS and an enterprise DBMS?

4- Your company, Acme Incorporated, has decided to not invest in an Enterprise DBMS and just use MS Access for it's work. You think this is a bad idea, what are the drawbacks for using Access in a large company? Why is an enterprise DBMS better?

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: DATABASE


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Importance of a Database

A database is critical since individuals can manage their work effectively. Also, it
becomes easier to perform several tasks at the same time. A landscaping company may require
several needs such as management, organizing, and storage of information about the business.
All these needs can be satisfied by using a database system (Minhas et al., 2013). Landscaping is
the kind of company that would require a system that can handle the information necessary to
run the business. The database is also able to keep records concerning customer information,
financing and accounting information, inventory management and project management. The
system makes it easier for people to retrieve documents when they are needed. It is also easy to
make several changes in case there are mistakes made (Minhas et al., 2013).
There are disadvantages of using a list to manage work. A list can be useful when dealing
with small records, but very tiresome when dealing with a massive amount of information.
Storing information in a spreadsheet makes it vulnerable to things like fraud. It is because there
is no sense of control or security when dealing with spreadsheets. Data can get manipulated at
any time (Minhas et al., 2013...

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