Chemistry questions

timer Asked: Sep 14th, 2018

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About units of measurement, uncertainty in measurement and dimensional analysis.

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1. Please read the following sections in your eText (Chapter 1): ◦ 1.4 UNITS OF MEASUREMENT ◦ 1.5 UNCERTAINTY IN MEASUREMENT ◦ 1.6 DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS 2. Make sure you are clear on the details of units of measurement and dimensional analysis, and know what a significant figure is. You may wish to explore these ideas further: ◦ On the web: ▪ has a quick lesson about the Atlantic-Pacific Rule ▪ Significant Figures reference guide from Dartmouth College. ▪ A short description of exact numbers. ◦ In the Animations and Activities section of your eBook: ▪ Math Review: Metric-English Conversions ▪ Math Review: Metric-Metric Conversions ▪ Activity: Uncertainty in Measurement 3. Thinking about the three concepts: units of measurement, uncertainty, and dimensional analysis, submit your questions to the this week's chem chat. ◦ Consider this dimensional analysis puzzle: It takes 4 painters 2 hours to paint a house. If 8 painters are hired, how long will it take? If we set this up as dimensional analysis we get: 8 painters (2hours/4painters) = 4 hours which obviously a nonsensical answer. What's going on here? 4. Do you still have any areas of confusion in this lesson or any other lesson from this week? If so, be sure to specify clearly where you had difficulty and why. 5. Describe an interesting connection to the world outside of this course, that relates to the content of the week's reading or lectures. Be sure to clearly reference the source of your connection with the page number from your text, or the time designation from the video. If you use an website, be sure to include the website's URL in your post. Don't forget the Hot Topic is an excellent resource for a connection.
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