need all 15 articles in APA format, and 1-2 paragraphs

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HI there, hoping you can assist with my annotated bib. I have 15 articles to summarize in 1-2 paragraphs.

Read the articles that you located and create an annotated bibliography by (1) listing a full citation to the article in APA style and (2) summarizing the article under the citation in 1-2 paragraphs.

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Explanation & Answer

Hi, i have completed the assignment. see the attached documents below.



Sleep Disturbance
Institution Affiliation



Linton, S. J., Kecklund, G., Franklin, K. A., Leissner, L. C., Sivertsen, B., Lindberg, E., ...
& Björkelund, C. (2015). The effect of the work environment on future sleep
disturbances: a systematic review. Sleep medicine reviews, 23, 10-19.
This reference is a work of several authors; including Linton, Franklin, Sivertsen, Leissner,
Kecklund, Lindberg, and Bjorrkelund. These authors are researchers on the topic about the effects
of the working environment on disturbances in sleep. The primary objective of the research was
to undertake a comprehensive evaluation of the association between work factors and sleep
disturbance. From the results of the study, the strain on the job, work demands, bullying, and lack
of balance between effort and reward were associated with future disturbances in sleep. This article
is related to my research topic as it describes how factors in the workplace play a significant role
in causing sleep disturbance.
Trockel, M., Bohman, B., Lesure, E., Hamidi, M. S., Welle, D., Roberts, L., & Shanafelt, T.
(2018). A brief instrument to assess both burnout and professional fulfillment in
physicians: reliability and validity, including correlation with self-reported medical
errors, in a sample of resident and practicing physicians. Academic Psychiatry, 42(1),
This research article is written by seven authors who are focusing on the effects of burn
out in the performance of physicians. The main aim of the research was to evaluate the professional
fulfilment index performance. PFI instrument is sensitive to change that is attributing to
interventions and other issues that affect the well-being of a physician. The PFI scales are seen to
have a better performance when it comes to the assessment of professional fulfilment. This article
has helped me in determining different factors that contribute to burnout, work productivity, and
many errors that are made at work due to sleep apnea.



Trockel, M., Bohman, B., Lesure, E., Hamidi, M. S., Welle, D., Roberts, L., & Shanafelt, T.
(2018). A brief instrument to assess both burnout and professional fulfillment in
physicians: reliability and validity, including correlation with self-reported medical
errors, in a sample of resident and practicing physicians. Academic Psychiatry, 42(1),
This article on research on the professional fulfilment of physicians and burnout is authored
by seven people. The sample is carried on practising physicians and residents through the use of
the performance fulfilment index instrument to evaluate the physician fulfilment in their
professions and burn out. Job dissatisfaction and burn out are related to medical errors in
physicians, the poor quality of care, poor patient outcome, dissatisfaction in patients and risky
prescription. This article will help me connect the effects of burnout and productivity at work with
sleep apnea. The research article focuses mainly on burnout and professional fulfilment of
Gaultney, J. F., & Collins-McNeil, J. (2009). Lack of sleep in the workplace: What the
psychologist-manager should know about sleep. The Psychologist-Manager Journal,
12(2), 132-148.
Jane Gaultney and Janice Collins are the authors of this research article on lack of sleep in
places where we work. The objective of the article is to roll out the consequences of sleep disorders
that are on health, safety, productivity and quality of life in general. The article stipulates the

Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.


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