5 multiple choices questions

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Business Finance


Please answer the five questions from the reading file down below....

Please do your best it's just 5 questions, I would like to get 5 out of 5 ....

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Q1- In the example on pages 53-54 (Figure 3-4) in the DS text, the variable Balance results in a better initial split for the data because… it divides the data into fewer subsets the sum of the entropy of the resulting segments is greater the information gain of the split is greater the split on Balance results in pure subsets Q2-According to the Mushroom attribute selection exercise (p. 57 and following in the DS text), which of the following statements is FALSE? About 50% of the mushrooms will have no discernible odor You can safely eat a mushroom with no smell There are some poisonous mushrooms and some edible mushrooms with no smell Creosote-smelling mushrooms are either all poisonous or all edible Q3- Consider an individual named Brenda who is 50 years old, owes 60K on her loan, and has a job. According to the classification tree in Figure 3-10 in the DS text, this person’s loan... should be written off should not be written off should be written off once her loan balance gets below 50K It's not clear from the classification tree. Q4- The churn attributes in Figure 3-17 are ranked in the order that they should be used as you create a classification tree, starting with a split on HOUSE, followed by a split on OVERAGE, then by a split on LONG_CALLS, etc. True False Q5- All of the following statements about tree induction are true EXCEPT Tree induction partitions the population into smaller regions based on characteristics of interest. One of the strengths of tree induction is that the results are easy to understand and explain. Tree induction represents unsupervised learning, since we don't know the answer we are seeking. "Induction" refers to the fact that specific data are used to create a general model.
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