Prospectus Corrections

User Generated




This assignment is completed just need to be corrected based off my professor comments

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to

beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations

for successful completion


Complete a draft of the prospectus by first entering information from your 10 Key Strategic Points document into the prospectus template and then completing the additional sections of the template according to the helps and criteria presented in each section of the template. The draft should include revised information for the following sections of the prospectus:

  • Introduction
  • Background of the Problem
  • Theoretical Foundations and Review of the Literature/Themes
  • Problem Statement
  • Research Question(s) and Phenomenon or Research Questions, Hypotheses, and Variables
  • Significance of the Study
  • Rationale for Methodology

Be sure to synthesize into the prospectus draft all feedback given

by instructor on your previous draft

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