​​Design a hotel reservation system using PHP and Mysql

timer Asked: Oct 2nd, 2018

Question Description

Design a hotel reservation system using PHP and Mysql

The home page of your web site gives introduction of your hotel (note the hotel shall be named after your name) which includes the address, email, phone numbers, and direction to your hotel. This page also contains entries for check-in and check-out dates. Select number of rooms drop down list, Number of adults and children dropdown lists. A submit button to send user to the second page. All fields are required. Other checking and validation shall and may be included. The second page contains the list of available rooms on that booking period. The second page shows images for different type of rooms available. It will list price per night and the total cost for the stay period. A user can choose the room type they want. The information of the available rooms shall be retrieve from your MySql database. There is a submit button to go to the confirmation page which contains fields for user to enter his/her name and correspondence information such as address, street name, city, state, phone number, email address. The room, stay period and cost of the stay will be summarized and shown on this page. When user clicks on submit button on this page, your system will output appropriate message. Add at least three other pages. For example, local attraction, Hotel dining, Shopping, Salon, Computer services, etc.



 Use PHP as server side script

 Use MySql. Design your own database and table(s)..

 Name your web site yourNamePHP

 When you connect to MySql database. Make sure that you use yourFirstNameLastName as the user name in mysql connect command. For example, if your name is called John Smith then Your command to connect to Mysql Database would like mysql_connect( "localhost", "johnsmith", "johnsmithpass" )

 Export your MySql database as johnsmith.sql so that I can regenerate your database on instructor’s computer. (replace johnsmith with your name)

 Make sure that you name your database johnsmithdatabase . (replace johnsmith with your name)

 Remember to add these lines to johnsmith.sql in order to create user which is used in mysql connect command (once again, replace johnsmith with your name)

-- create user to query product database --


ON johnsmithdatabase.*

TO johnsmith@localhost

IDENTIFIED BY ' johnsmithpass'; Once again, replace johnsmith with yourfirstnamelastname

 Create a write up report (in word or pdf format) which include a cover page with your name, this class information, such as course name, section, instructor, etc. Second page is table of content. First chapter is the description of your hotel system. Second chapter is your system design. You can use diagram to illustrate your design if you want to. Third chapter is your implementation. It should include the sql file content that you submitted, the source code of all pages. Fourth chapter includes your test run results which shall include test run screen shots. As detailed as possible. Fifth chapter is discussion and conclusions. Mention about the cool features of your web site. Things for future improve. The limitation of your web site, etc… You can include a Reference chapter at the end or as Appendix.Submission

 Zip your website which includes all your application files.

 The sql file which can regenerate your database and create a user to connect to your database

 The report in word or pdf format.

 A video file to demonstrate how you design your web site, features of your web site, and how to use it.(or a link to internet)

 Zip all above to a folder and submit that folder to Canvas.

Note 1

Make sure your web site can run independently after one download from Canvas. I.e., it shall be portable to others’ system that run XAMPP and there is no local dependence on your machine.

Note 2

You can submit a demo video or post your demo on the web and give me the link.

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