Mat116 Week 1 dq 1

timer Asked: Sep 18th, 2013

Question Description

Discussion Question 1
Real World

Present an example and discussion of a Real World application of the
material presented in Chapter 1 of the text.
See if you can relate some of the things we
have learned so far to things we encounter in our daily lives. The examples do
not have to be real complicated.

examples should be based on something that relates to the algebraic concepts we
have studied this week.  For instance we learned about negative and positive
numbers. Can you think of some everyday things that relate to positive and
negative numbers?

      We also
talked a lot about fractions.  Can you think of everyday things you do at home
or at work involving fractions? Present them as examples.

it--just some simple real-world examples of things we deal with involving
algebra. I'm sure you'll be able to come up with quite a few.

The text
itself contains many real world examples and is a good source of ideas for this

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