Project for Course (( Emerging Trends in global market (INBS 561) ))

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Business Finance


we have a project for this course. you can see the attachment below. I choose a company ((Reebok International LTD)). Also, the Region is Region one and division one.

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X. Requirements for completion of the course work: Weighted written Assignments: Theme: US -Inward Foreign Direct Investment (IFDI) from 1980 to 2017. 1. Part I: Will include IFDI Group Projects & Account for 60% of the Grade; Each group will be required to study IFDI in a specific US region/state and prepare a research report on performance of IFDI during the period 1980 to 2017. Written report should be limited to 20 pages in double space. Additional information such as charts, bibliography, etc, should be presented in appendix. 2. Part II: Will include Individual Case Write up of FDI performance by a Foreign Enterprise operating in a division/state chosen for your group project; this will account for 20% of the grade. Case write up should be about a FOREIGN- OWNED COMPANY based in the division or the state researched in group project Part 1. Limit the length of the case study to 6 pages in double space. 1 Appendix 2: Rubric for Part I of IFDI group project (60% of the grade): Attach this page to your group project; Identify the “Division” Chosen for Group Project: Group # & Names: Directions: Limit your text to a maximum of 20 pages in double space List all the tables, graphs, charts, and bibliography in appendix; 1.Executive summary: (not more than 1 page, 2 points): 2. Introduction; FDI Concepts & Theory (about 3 pages, 10 points): (i).Definition FDI; how is it different from other forms foreign investment; (ii). What are some of the theories that explain FDI?N(iii).Why do firms invest in foreign markets? 3: Federal & State programs that promote IFDI: (about 6 pages, 20 points): (i).Federal programs: “Hire America” & Buy American” “select USA”, CFIUS, trade agreements, foreign trade zones & other incentives; (ii). State programs that promote FDI in the state; (iii). Type of industries (manufacture, services or other) in which FDI is directly associated with your division/state; (iv). Identify at least 5 foreign firms that engage in FDI in your Division/state; provide information on firm’s native country, year of entry into the US & dollar value of IFDI; firm’s structure (subsidiary, JV, partnership, branch, etc), type of business, website for each firm; 4: Performance of FDI in your division/state: (about 6 pages, 15 points): (I).Contribution to US exports & Imports; supply of components & parts to US manufacturers; (ii). Contribution to Local employment; R&D linkages with local universities; (iii). Discuss if any of the foreign firm(s) have expanded or diversified its operations since its entry through IFDI; (iv). Any challenges that foreign firms experience with US regulations (CFIUS), national security & IPRs; and any issues with compliance?; 5: Conclusion (1 page, 3 points) Briefly state your conclusion and or inferences based on your research. Note: Grading will depend on content, quality of writing, use of latest data, analysis & interpretation. Bibliography: Include at least 3 journal articles and other sources referenced in the report. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 3 Appendix 4: US Census regions & divisions Regional divisions used by the United States Census Bureau:[6] • Region 1: Northeast o Division 1: New England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont) 4
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