Literature review matrix 2

timer Asked: Sep 19th, 2013

Question Description

Week 2 Assignment: Literature Review Matrix Instructions: Step
1: Conduct an internet search using Google, Bing, Yahoo, or any other major search engine on your area of focus. Be sure to take the time to inform yourself of sound researching sources including use of peer reviews as listed in the recommended and required resources for the week (one of several to get you started). Analyze the first 5 entries that come up. Complete a table in a Microsoft Word document that includes: · Title of the website and URL address. · Author of source (individual author(s), organization, etc.) · Type of source (journal article, magazine article, blog, etc.) · Date of publication of source (note: this may be listed as “date last updated” at the bottom of the site). · 2-3 sentence summary of the source content for each source listed (keep this succinct!) Step 2: Now conduct a search in the Ashford Library using one of the academic databases (ERIC, ProQuest, Ebsco, etc.) using the same key words. Create a table identical to the first one with the same information. Step 3: Select two sources from either table that you feel are the best overall based on currency, credibility, authority, and academic integrity. In a two paragraph summary following your tables, list these two sources and evaluate what factors influenced your decision. Assess what you learned through this process (did anything surprise you about the result?). What adaptations will you make in your search and evaluation process as a result of what you found? Formulate how you will use the information you found to help inform your ideas about your action research proposal. The paper should be approximately 3-4 pages long, not including the title and reference pages. Be sure format your paper in APA. Please submit your updated assignment by Friday.

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