Post pre lab 7-12

timer Asked: Oct 17th, 2018

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please help with pre post lab 7-12 thank you so very much attached are the files by Friday thank you

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NAME: DATE: INSTRUCTOR: SECTION/GROUP: PRE-LAB: LABORATORY 7 Reminder to prepare for the Cloning Ethics Debate As part of Pre-Lab 7, you will prepare for the cloning ethics debate found in Lab 7. Remember that if your instructor assigned you to Team A, you support cloning. If your instructor assigned you to Team B, you oppose cloning. You will conduct background research prior to attending Lab 7 according to your assignment team. QUESTIONS 1. In your own words, define mitosis. 2. Should the genetic information found in each of the newly created daughter cells be the same? ** 5. If very few cells are found in a certain phase of mitosis, what does this indicate about the length of that phase? 6. Which phase of mitosis is the longest? 7. Which phase of mitosis is the shortest? N/GRO ROUP: ► POST-LAB: LABORATORY 8 QUESTIONS 1. Why is meiosis important for sexual reproduction? 2. How many chromosomes are in a human gamete? DATE: WAME: SECTION/GROUP: NSTRUCTOR: PRE-LAB: LABORATORY 8 QUESTIONS 1. In your own words, define meiosis. 2. Should the genetic information found in each of the newly created daughter cells be the same? DATE: NAME: SECTION/GROUP: INSTRUCTOR: POST-LAB: LABORATORY 7 QUESTIONS 1. How long are the phases of mitosis? 2. Are they equal? 3. In which phase of the cell cycle were most of the cells found? 4. In which phase of mitosis were most of the cells found? Laboratory 7 1 Cell Division: Mitosis: Post-Lab 121
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