Social Web and You

timer Asked: Sep 20th, 2013

Question Description

Would you be surprised if I told you that:

  • The fastest growth for any age group on Facebook is 35-55
  • YouTube is one of the largest search engines in the world
  • Most people prefer a peer’s recommendation over an advertisement on the web
    these days?

I suppose it means Erik Qualman, the author of
Socialnomics, was correct when he said, “It's a people driven economy stupid”
(2009).  Welcome to the social web!  Review the video Social Media Revolution. How are we to know
information is accurate, or safe, or that all these content created are going
somewhere meaningful? 

Based on your readings in the textbook, your personal experiences, as well as
what you know about the evolving Internet, explain how social media/web is
changing or has changed the ways you, your family, and colleagues find
information. Also, how has social media/web changed the ways you interact in
your personal and professional life as well as within academic spheres? What
functionalities do you think will be invented in the future? 

Make sure you support your argument with facts, figures, and intelligent
analysis. Also, consider any opposing arguments.

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