Paraphrase an discussion Board Answer

timer Asked: Oct 18th, 2018

Question Description

all you have to do is to paraphrase this discussion board answer.

1)What are the difficulties encountered in communication from the Public information officers point of view? Put yourself into the PIO role and discuss what you find to be the top 3 issues.

2)Analyze the or another public program you have access to according to communication principles. What is your 'emotive' response to the program? Would this have impacted you personally to effect a change? What was missing?

Public information officers are the communication coordinators of specific organization. PIOs are in charge of collecting facts and distributing information to the people and the media. They are also responsible for producing deliverable material like video and brochure to the distribute it for the public. During other circumstances, they may be placed in charge of organizing and coordinating news conferences to inform the public and interested stakeholders on the progress being made during disaster management, search and rescue, and other operations.

There are many issues face the PIO during their job. The first issue is that the PIOs need to be updated with the latest technology in mass communication. They should be technically intelligent and keep up with current ways the world is communicating through social media. Using technology can improve the speed of deliverance and the accuracy and quality of the message as well. For example, using Twitter will be more easily for POIs to deliver their information to the public and the media together at the same time.

The second struggle is lacking of coordinating and cooperating with other agencies. Lack of coordination is likely to raise distrust as the journalists may despise the information passed along to them by the public information officers. The lack of coordination may also be evident in other departments as well. For instance, the departments may be reluctant to share information with the public information officers, especially on technical matters. After all, coordination is fundamental for the success of any public information department. The third struggle is PIOs are prone to emotional stress and symptoms of PTSD during mass casualty incidents. Therefore, to be able to report an incident or deliver a message to the public while feeling toughly emotional such as anger or sadness towards the situation can affect with the mode and the deliverance of the message. PIOs should try to be objective when someone they personally know has been affected or if they disagree with the way officials have handled a particular situation can be very difficult.

The is an official website developed by the Department of Homeland Security to alert the public on the disaster. The website does a great job of using visuals to capture the attention of people who come to the site. My emotive response is to not think of it as a government site as I would normally expect it. Not many people like to turn on C-Span because there is nothing visually stimulating or entertaining about it. But the things that happened on C-Span are very important. If it was made more interesting and more visually appealing they would probably have more viewers. I feel that the website understands this and has done a great job to capture emotion and interest for anyone who would come to the website.

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