WEBD222 Capture E-Commerce Transactions WK 4 DQ - 1

timer Asked: Oct 23rd, 2018

Question Description

Discussion Points:

Class, in this forum exercise, you will actually prepare a pageTracker record and product information transactions. This will give you a hands on for how Google Analytics allows you to track the item purchased and the transaction.

Below, you will find a screenshot of an example GATC. As simulated in the screenshot below, the pageTracker record would be placed in the webpage code in the area above the body tag in a webpage.

Week 4 Forum Screenshot HTML Source Code

(Image screenshot created: 02-16-2013 for WEBD222) Note: This is only a sample of where you would place the actual script in the webpage.


Prepare your sample JavaScript code for the GATC transaction using the three identifiers, pageTrackers, _addTrans( , addItem( and trackTrans().

Produce your own transaction item that was purchased (in the example) and explain the process flow.

Use your own selection of an item that was purchased.

Apply your own information to the appropriate areas of the tracking code.

Jack just purchased a new sweater from Macys Department store online, the pageTracking code to track the transaction and the items would look like this in JavaScript:

pageTracker, _addTrans(
“6541” // order ID - required
“Macys Store ID 123”, // affiliation or store name
“49.99”, // total - required
“3.49”, // tax
“6.00”, // shipping
“Charlotte”, // city
“North Carolina”, // state or province
“USA” // country
pageTracker, _addItem(
“6541”, // order ID - required
“SWT2-ASB”, // SKU code (stock keeping unit)
“Pullover Hoodie”, // product name
“Mens Clothing”, // category or variation
“19.99”, // unit price - required
“1”, // quantity - required
) catch(err) {}

Summary: Jack completed his purchase of one sweater, which was a pullover hoodie, I noticed that the order ID follows between the tracking transactions, I also noticed that the addItem transaction displays the actual cost of the item showing the profit or retail price Jack paid. I also noticed that this type of tracking is very detailed; the store will be able to track demographic locations, for example to track all sales of SWT2-ASB by state and or city. This information would be very valuable to market specific items that may do well by regions.

The above was just an example; yours will vary depending on your purchase item.

As a class, create your own transaction like the one above by choosing your own item, and enter the information that will be tracked, be sure that your post is 250 words or more:


  • Capture and interpret e-commerce transactions
  • Explain the business benefits of web analytics

Please, use references to support your answers. (You may copy the example above and enter your own information, be sure to inclued a Summary) Be sure to post comments to at least two other classmates post, ask questions and interact.

Forum Rubric:

Rubric for Learner Posts


Synthesis of concepts in 250 or more words (critical to class performance)


Applications of personal experience


Writing standards


Response to two or more students 150 words or More


Timeliness: (deduction)


Please use APA formatting and in text cititation

Please No Plagiarism


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