
timer Asked: Oct 27th, 2018

Question Description

Mid-Term Drawing


Sketchbook, vine charcoal, compressed charcoal, 18”x24” newsprint and 18”x24” drawing paper


Draw a still life of at least five, but no more than seven, objects arranged in a composition applying all that you have learned thus far.


  • Objects should be more interesting than the boxes from the first assignment but not so complex that you are unable to draw them.
  • When arranging your still life consider the relationships of the shapes of the individual objects and also the overall shape (silhouette) of the still life as a whole.
  • Using the viewfinder, you should record several possible compositions as thumbnails onto the page(s) of your sketchbook. Expand two or three of these thumbnails (the best designs) into larger rough sketches. From these roughs, the best should be picked and used as a design basis for the final drawing
  • Start the final image drawing the negative spaces. Pay close attention to the exact shape and size of these negative spaces, measuring the relative distance of their parts and of each space to the others in the composition.
  • After you have drawn the negative spaces finish drawing the rest of the parts of the elements of the still life. Continue to pay close attention to the relationship (size and distance) of each part of the drawing.
  • Do not "shade" or add any value to your drawings. Use only line to describe objects.
  • Use your viewfinder to frame the composition
  • Use sighting to correctly establish the angles of the planes
  • Use measuring to correctly proportion each shape
  • Check the accuracy of your drawn ellipses
  • Final drawing on 18”x24” drawing paper

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