Research Report - min 1500 words

timer Asked: Oct 28th, 2018

Question Description

I am working on a research report based on a private security contracting agency, Frontline security located in Papatoetoe, Auckland. I had submitted my proposal with following research questions and aims.

Research Question

  • What are the issues that are faced by a security officer while providing customer service?
  • How the workforce can be managed in security contracting organization to provide better services?

Project aim

The aim of the project is to record how the staff is managed in a security agency or a security contracting agency and the problems/risks involved in the customer service of a security officer when on field.

I need someone who can write discussion part for this report. I also need survey questions for same. Here are the instructions for Discussion Part

 This will explain what you identified to be the key issues and why. It will then explain your analysis of the situation, using relevant academic theory, application and information.


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