i need help with my python HMW

timer Asked: Oct 31st, 2018

Question Description

I have done half of the assignment just need the rest

Homework #2

In this homework, you should take a look at the driving violation. The object is to import data from the following webpage as csv file to a dataframe:


The file is almost 470 MB. Make sure low_memory=False.

(Df = pd.read_csv('Traffic_Violations.csv', low_memory=False))

Assume that your a researcher. You should explore the database, look at the columns. You should define a few research questions, then, try to answer them.

For example, It is of particular of interest to compare number and ratio of violations and accidents. Try to find out at which weekdays, hours, or years more accidents occur. There are more to be checked. Try to define research questions and answer them.

1 question: compare from the dataset you have, The effect of alcohol on time of accidents consider gender and is it increasing or decreasing on holidays?, do a graph to clear you answer

question 2: and the dataset of fetal by Accident in , clear the gender and do a graph to clear your answer?

Delivery of Homework #2, and #3

Homework#2: You should submit your code.

Homework#3: You should submit a a poster of your work (.pdf file). In the poster, you should narrate a story about traffic accidents and your findings using graphs, …

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