film writing analysis

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Watch this film and fill out the film working sheet. Toal need to write about 350 words. need to watch this film:

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NAME Define the following terms (in your own words - don't copy the powerpoint definition verbatim): Emotional management: Emotional labor (also emotion work): Feeling rules: Adia Harvey Wingfield argues that feeling rules are racialized rather than neutral and that this has important implications for the type(s) of emotion work performed in professional settings. This episode of "Insecure" portrays several instances where people of color are asked to "switch up" their behavior for the benefit of (mostly white) others. Describe an example from the episode that illustrates this point, and provide a feeling rule that this instance reflects: Wingfield (2010:257) notes that, "For many of these professionals, being one of very few black workers means they stand out at work and, because of this, they feel that their very presence elicits many statements and behaviors that they believe are expressions of racial bias. Consequently, these workers often find it very difficult to adhere to the organizational requirement that they display a pleasant demeanor." In the episode of "Insecure", Issa expresses anger to her boyfriend regarding her white co-workers being critical of her behind her back. How does this reflect racialized emotion work and demands for pleasantness? Think about her workplace performance and why her ability to express frustration at work was constrained.
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