Cloud Computing

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Computer Science


When change needs to happen in an organization, a business case is used to justify the change. On page 464 in your textbook is a generic business case template. The template is intended as a generic starting point that needs further customization to better match organization requirement and preferences. The template also acts as a checklist of considerations that pertain to adoption. The business case can be used to have healthy conversations around the legitimacy of the cloud or any technology adoption in the preliminary planning stages. Click here to see a real world example of a business case (Google Apps for Education).

For this assignment, please complete business case sections G.3 and G.4 starting on page 464 in the textbook.



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busines 1 . Priorities - Business goals, business requirements, and performance objectives listed in order of priority. Affected On-Premise Solutions (optional) - A detailed description of current and planned on-premise solutions that are to be migrated, or that will otherwise b affected by the adoption effort. Target Environment - A description of the anticipated outcome of the adoption the project, including a high-level overview of cloud-based solutions that are t built in support of the business case. . G.3 Target Cloud Environment The cloud deployment and delivery models expected to be utilized as part of the c adoption effort are listed and briefly described, along with other available informa regarding planned cloud services and cloud-based solutions: • Cloud Deployment Model - Reasons for the choice of models, advantages, and d vantages are provided to help communicate the rationale. • Cloud Characteristics - A description of how the planned target state relates to a supports cloud characteristics. • Cloud Service Candidates (optional) - A list of candidate cloud services and corre sponding usage estimates. • Cloud Provider Candidates (optional) - A list of potential cloud providers and ac parison of costs and features. • Cloud Delivery Model - The cloud delivery model that is presumably required meet the business goals of the business case is documented. Appendix G: Cloud Business Case Template 466 G.4 Technical Issues This section highlights requirements and limitations related to common technical concerns: • Solution Architecture • SLA . • Security Requirements • Governance Requirements Interoperability Requirements Portability Requirements Regulatory Compliance Requirements Migration Approach (optional) . G.5 Economic Factors This section comprises considerations related to the economics of the business case. involving the pricing, costs, and formulaic tools that are used for calculation and analy- sis. See Chapter 15 for a broad range of financial metrics, formulas, and considerations that can be incorporated into this section.
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