explication essay at least 500 words

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Explication Essay

Assignment: Explicate Haruki Murakami’s “The Wind-Up Bird and Tuesday’s Women” only .

the below link is the website for the combination novel of Haruki Murakami’s.its call "Tuesday’s Wind-Up Bird and Six Fingers and Four Breasts"in the below link .#1 only


Purpose:To break down and closely analyze a piece of work

Requirements: at least 500 wds, a double-spaced typed page, and only your analysis! No outside research

except the short story. Make sure to add a creative title. This is your work so please make it stand out!

Topic: Choose any section from Haruki Murakami’s “The Wind-Up Bird and Tuesday’s Women” to


**Please copy and paste the section of the story in the beginning of the essay (no more than six sentences)

so I know which section you are explicating from the story.

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