Persuasive speech assignment

User Generated



Cuyamaca College



Time Limit: 7:00 - 9:00 minutesTotal Possible Points:100


The goal of this speech is to choose a current events topic and deliver a persuasive presentation to our class. This is a persuasive speech where you will argue in favor or against your topic. You will attempt to challenge our class to change or maintain a specific way of thinking or acting. This is an individual speech.

Informing audiences about new ideas and concepts is all well and good, but for ages, public speaking has been used for another purpose: persuading audiences to take action. From politicians to teachers to leaders of social movements, persuasion is used to educate and motivate. For this 7-9 minute presentation, you will deliver a persuasive speech about an issue related to our everyday lives. Your topic should be creative and somewhat controversial. The topic you choose will depend on your interests, but it should be relevant, professional, and significant. Many students in the past have chosen to research an issue of sustainability (“Going Green” or issues of social justice).

You should consider current events, issues that affect the lives of you and your classmates, and/or concerns you consider to be problems in need of a solution. Explore the issues facing your community or San Diego State to get a sense of what’s both relevant to your peers and worthy of a 7-9 minute presentation. Consider both local and global issues. Your solution should leave the class with an action step that they can do on their own. You should be prepared to persuade your audience to do something that they can enact (and actually do) upon leaving the classroom ( List dates of next event, provide a website, contact info, or follow this twitter account).

1. Things to consider when selecting a topic:

• Pick a topic you are passionate about! This will help you be successful in delivering your speech.

• For everyone’s sake, please do not select a topic that is overused (exercise, eating healthy, smoking).

• Select a topic that is appropriate given the length of the speech.

• The topic should be sensitive to the demographics of the audience based on gender, race, ethnicity, culture, age, etc.

2. We will discuss the format in lecture

3. You can use note cards for this presentation.

4. Your outline needs to be typed, double-spaced, and in 12 point font. It will be submitted through BB.

Outline & Speech Requirements:

1. Within your speech, you must use examples and facts, at least 1 quote and at least 1 statistic must be introduced with a verbal footnote.

2. Minimum of 8 sources in the outline. The sources can be: websites, magazines, academic / science journals, books (online and paper/hard back), and newspapers. You cannot use Wikipedia or as 1 of your 8 sources. You must site your 3 of your references in the speech. You can do this by saying: “According to Fisher, ‘1 out of 3 people who…”. A list of your references will be turned in APA format with your outline.

3. You must use the Stock Issues format to organize your outline and speech (Problem, Causes, and Solution) (See outline handout).

4. A presentation aid must be utilized at an appropriate time during the speech. A presentation aid may include graphs, pictures, props, models, charts, and/or objects. PowerPoint can be used, but it should be used sparingly. You can show a video, but it cannot be longer than 60 seconds.

5. You should dress professionally/appropriately. Your clothes should not distract from your presentation.

6. Obviously, I will grade the strength of your argument as well as how you deliver your speech.

7. Outline is worth 50 points. Speech is worth 100 points.

In this presentation, you will learn the following Student Learning Objectives:

1. Choose and narrow a topic appropriately for this audience.

2. Generate a well-reasoned argument for this occasion.

3. Assess the strength of relative supporting evidence.

4. Create content in the Stock Issues format for an appropriate to audience and purpose.

5. To demonstrate effective vocal variety and nonverbal communication (gestures and movement) skills.

6. To create a connection with the audience through competent eye contact.

7. To demonstrate confidence and energy throughout the presentation.

8. To utilize appropriate language for the purpose and audience.

9. To effectively adapt to various public speaking situations and circumstances.

10. To gain public speaking experience with effective use of presentation aids.

11. To create a persuasive message on a relevant, current events topic.

12. To utilize rhetorical proofs as a means of persuasion (ethos, pathos, logos).

The grade sheet of how you will be evaluated in your speech is also on BB. Be sure to review that grade sheet to gain insight into how you will be graded on this speech. Do not forget: Practice, Practice, and Practice. Good luck and have fun with this assignment.

Also I want outline


Communication 122

Informative Outline

Due Date

General Purpose: To inform

Specific Purpose:


A.Attention Gainer

B.Reason to Listen

C.Speaker Credibility

D.Thesis Statement

E.Preview Main Points


A.Main Point # 1

1.(Sub-Point # 1)

2.(Sub-Point # 2)


B.Main Point # 2

1.(Sub-Point # 1)

2.(Sub-Point # 2)


C.Main Point # 3

1.(Sub-Point # 1)

2.(Sub-Point # 2)


D.Main Point # 4

1.(Sub-Point # 1)

2.(Sub-Point # 2)


A.Restate Thesis

B.Review Main Points

C.Reason to Remember

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: OUTLINE


Thesis Topic: Teachers should pass a basic exam every few years to renew their certification
General Purpose: To inform the audience about the importance of having teachers undertaking
a basic exam after eight years to renew their certification
Specific purpose: To offer the related concern to the learners, teachers, and schools through
subjecting teachers to the basic test after eight years within the teaching profession to renew their

Teaching profession requires dedication to equip students with useful information
Educators will acquire changing data within the business


Teachers to pass a basic exam after eight years to renew the certification


The fundamental review is beneficial to the learners, school, and parents

Main point #1: improve motivation and excitement

teachers’ motivation and enthusiasm fades after a long teaching time
Teachers loss basic teaching skills after a long teaching period
The test will renew their motivation, excitement and teaching skills

Main point #2: make school and learners popular

improves future schooling development




Provide best and informed educators to schools
Make learners and schools popular through the good learning process

Main point #3: renew the forgotten information

long teaching time makes educators forget teaching skills


Tests make them get new skills and replace old methods


Ensure the good supply of knowledge to students

Main point #4: acquire new teaching methods

teachers will receive new teaching trends
The test keeps educators and students updated
Students enjoy the lessons


teachers should pass a basic test after eight years to renew their certification
Tests improve motivation and excitement, popularize the learners a...

Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.


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