Marketing Questions needs references preferably from the book

timer Asked: Nov 9th, 2018

Question Description

  1. Explain the relationship between SEM and Social Media.
  1. Describe three of the major influencers of organic search ranking and give examples of each.
  1. Explain the Internet of Things and its significance to online marketing.
  1. Explain the difference between Software as a Product (SaaP) and Software as a Service (SaaS) and provide examples of each.
  1. Explain what a demand-driven supply chain is and explain its importance to modern business.
  1. Explain the difference between display ads and rich media ads. Which do you think is likely to be more engaging to the viewer and why?
  1. What are the objectives of a direct-response marketing program?
  1. The text suggests that, as marketers learn more about their customers, they can engage in programs of increasing complexity and effectiveness. Discuss this concept in detail.
  1. What does "greening" a supply chain mean? Give an example.
  1. The text discussed several business models. Choose one, describe its characteristics in detail, and provide an example of it, preferably one different from those used in the text. Be sure to explain how and why your example illustrates that particular business model.
  1. Identify the steps in developing a social media strategy and give an example of how a product or a business might execute each step in the process of developing a social media strategy.
  1. In your own words, describe the concept of a value chain and give an example of the benefits that integrating value chains can confer on a business enterprise.
  1. What are the steps in developing an email marketing campaign? Provide a brief description of each step.
  1. Explain what pixel tags are and how marketers can use them to effectively engage with consumers on Facebook.
  1. State the three basic types of behavioral targeting and explain how each works.
  1. Define the three formative technologies — EDI, ERP, and RFID — that shaped the initial evolution of supply chains. Give at least two examples of newer technologies and explain how they have built upon or supplanted the role of the formative technologies in the modern supply chain.
  1. Explain native advertising and how it works. What is your opinion of this form of marketing? Back up your conclusion with examples from your own experience or from the text.
  1. Name and define the four core objectives that all of marketing boils down to.
  1. In the content marketing chapter both Red Bull and Lego were cited as brands that have created large and loyal communities. Explain the process and value of creating a brand community using one of these examples or an example of your own choosing.
  1. Customer Lifetime Value is one of the most-discussed topics in marketing today. Explain what CLV means, the basic structure of a CLV calculation, and give one or more examples of how it can be used to improve marketing programs.
  1. Explain the difference between Traditional, Internet-Enabled, and Mobile-Dependent business models and give an example of each, carefully explaining why the example fits the model.
  1. The marketing director has asked you to draw up a list of arguments to be used for her presentation to top management about the benefits of the brand engaging in social media. What arguments would you recommend? [Optional: Identify a social media marketing campaign that could be used and explain why it would be a persuasive example.]
  1. Write a brief scenario that highlights ways in which a person might interact with various brands in the course of social network activity during a day.
  1. Marketers do not agree on the definition of “engagement.” How would you define the term? Discuss the implications of your definition on the customer experience, marketing strategy, and the Resilient Brand concept.
  1. The value proposition is an important marketing concept. Explain the concept and give an example of how an Internet business creates value for customers.
  1. Explain how to best design an email for promotional purposes.

Please use book for references: Internet Marketing and Stragtiges by Zahay and Roberts

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