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PsychBusters Objective In addition to the content that you learn in a general psychology course, the other main skill you should learn is how to think critically about scientific claims, particularly those concerning human behavior and thinking. The purpose of this assignment is to give you practice at learning that kind of ability. Assignment Listed below are the various chapters, starting with Chapter 2, that we will address in this course. With each chapter are a handful of statements. Some of these statements are true, some are false, and some are in between. PSYCBUSTERS (120 POINTS): We will divide up into teams containing 3-4 people. Each team will be responsible for one chapter. The team will pick one of the statements (you only have to do one!) and decide if the myth is “confirmed,” “plausible,” or “busted.” A “confirmed” myth would be one that, as stated, is generally considered to be true, while a “plausible” myth is one that, given the right definitions and conditions could be true. A “busted” myth is in no way true. On the designated date, your team will do a brief presentation to the class concerning what you found. This presentation will be short and follow this format: 1) Explanation of the myth; include all relevant information necessary for full understanding (i.e. terms, theories, origin of myth). 2) Evidence: Should be from expert source(s), and should include an interpretation/evaluation analysis of the evidence. [Each member should have their own evidence to support the groups conclusion] 3) Position/analysis Presented: Present the groups position. 4) The last slide should state if the myth is “confirmed,” “plausible,” or “busted. 5) Last slide should state the sources you used in developing your thinking in APA Format. a. Make sure that you are using reliable sources; each member must provide one peer reviewed research studies found on the library databases. Grading (Refer to Grading Rubric) The assignment is worth 120 points. Every member of the team will get the same score. Grading will be based on the quality of the argument you build to base your conclusion: 1) how well you defined your terms 2) the quality of your sources 3) the manner in which you used your results 4) the presentation itself (I’m not expecting perfection, but it should be practiced, and everyone should have a part). 1 The Myths Chapter 11: Personality 1) Money can’t buy happines 2
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