Python Assignment

timer Asked: Nov 12th, 2018

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programing, if there is anything you want me to help you with just ask, Python Assignment ..............

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E MBRY-R IDDLE , C OLLEGE OF S ECURITY AND I NTELLIGENCE Reading PCAP With Python Jesse Laeuchli August 15, 2017 1 P ROGRAMMATIC PCAP A NALYSIS Today you will frequently encounter forensic situations where the data sets are very large, too large to be examined by hand. In these cases you may have to resort to programmatically analyzing the data. This homework simulates such a case. Install the DDoS simulator BoNeSi. Generate a 1GB data set targeting your local host. 2 QUESTIONS TO ANSWER Create a Python program using either dpkt or scapy to analyze your capture. The program should should create a sliding window of adjustable length. For each window return a number between -1 and 1, indicating the percentage of packets being sent by the server, and received by the server. Make sure your program does not require the entire capture to be read into main memory. • Plot the results for several window sizes. • Modify your program to extract the timestamp of the packet. Bin the packets by time, and produce an average as above. Plot your results. • Extract the IPs from the incoming packets. What are the top ten countries of origin? Include a brief report on the above detailing your approach, and include the source code for your solution. 1
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